Chapter 31

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Issabelle pov

We walked out of the jet and walked into the SUVs that were sent by Isabella to pick us up.

"Welcome back ma'am."

"Thank you Mike."

We started the journey to the mansion afterwards.

The drive was so silent apart from music from the radio.

After half an hour we arrived.
I looked at my watch and saw we just had an hour remaining. We will be able to get ready before that time.

I walked outside the vehicle and walked in the mansion.
I was welcomed by a hug and I hugged her back.

I already knew that it was Ria cause of the scent.

"I really missed you sister."

"Me too kiddo. How have you been."
I asked her after the hug.

"Please do not remind me."

"Okay. Sorry about that."

I looked at Bella and saw that she was afraid.

"Hello Issa."

"Hello sister."

"Wait, you have never called her sister. Why now?"
I smirked at her question and after seeing Bella's fear in her eyes.

"Ooh. Because she is truly my twin sister and she could not have the guts to tell me after finding out."


"Ooh please am not in the mood for an explanation. I will give you the chance of that after I get my child back."

"Morning ma'am." A voice said from behind Samuel and it was trembling.

I do not like this at all!


"Why?" Eva said.

"Am sorry I could not protect them."

"But it was your responsibility. You adopted her and became her legal guardian. I wish that I did not grant you your wish and maybe my daughter would have been here today."

"Why are you talking like this? She was also my daughter for God's sake."

"You do not know the pain of mother losing my child."

"Shut up."

She jumped at my voice.

"So I do not know the pain of a mother? Do you know what it feels to see your own being raped and you cannot save her cause you are notnear her? Do you? I have been crying continuously but you.... You are just a selfish bitch. You just care about yourself. I have been the one providing for her. Staying with them. You just stay with them when cleaning the house and in the garden and they insist to help you but me? They have always be near me. Following me. And please, didn't I warn you about the life we live in. Tell me."

She was trembling and she looked on the floor.

"I am sorry."

"Ooh please cut the bullshit. So answer the question right now."

"Yes. You did."

"So? You know if I was a bad person I would have just adopted her and never gave you a job so that you could be near her, left you to rot in the street and she could have never known you. So don't you dare tell me who is the mother and who is not."


"No buts. You know the consequences either you continue working with us or..."

"No please do not kill me."
I chuckled.

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