Chapter 39

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Eva pov

I still remember the fateful day that the kids were kidnapped.

They had asked me permission if they could accept their aunt in the company. I agreed cause I knew that there are bodyguards following them throughout.

After they had left I continued with my work.

After some few hours Ariana came alone and she was crying.


"Ma'am Ariana where are the kids?" I asked.

"They...they.." She tried saying but she just broke down crying.

The other boss Isabella and her hudband came running after she had the cries.

"Ria where are the kids?" She asked softly but from her voice she was trying not freak out.

"They...." She tried once more but she kept crying.

I couldn't stop to think that something bad had happened to them. First of all my baby Delia. Even though by law she was not my child, she still has my blood running in the veins. That is why I begged ma'am Issabelle to give me a job so that I can be near her.

Madam Isabella seeing that she will not be able to get anything from Ma'am Ariana, she called the men who were supposed to protect and keep them away from danger.

"Where are the kids." Sir Samuel asked.

"Am sorry don. But we were attacked when arrived at the company." One of the men said.

"What!" We are exclaimed.

No this cannot be happening. I gave my daughter to them thinking that they will be able to protect her because I was not capable. No. I cannot lose my child once more. No.

"Go on." Madam Isabella said after absorbing the shock.

"The kids were kidnapped." Another whispered"

"What? So you want to tell me that uoeu were unable to protect her?" The don shouted.

Thsy were terrified.

"We are sorry don."

"Sorry will not bring my nieces back to me idiot." The madam shouted

I was still shocked from the news. When will we see them again? Does their mother Issabelle know?
I just hope that she knows because I am sure that she will be able to rescue the girls. My head was pounding out loudly.
I think I have heard enough already.

Madam took out a gun, the men tried begging for their dear lives but who could save the ruth waiting for them?

By staying with them. I have discovered that they never let anyone plead. They kill whenever they feel like. Even the girls always shoot their teachers and trainer if they get bored of them. She shot each of them at the forehead and the men died instantly.

"Clean this mess." She said angrily to the guard at the doorpost.

We have been sitting for hours trying absorb the information.




Madam received the call and I could tell she was afraid of the person in the next line.

"Issa? " she answered. She looked afraid terrible.

"Th...the ki" She stammered.

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