Chapter 12

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Adrian POV

I woke up, prepared myself for the day and went to the kitchen. 

I had spent the night at my parents house.

"Morning son."

"Morning mom."

"Big brother, your woman is really beautiful. I want to become like her when I grow up.


Don't tell me that my sister wants to become a cold and heartless murderer? I thought she hated being in the mafia with all her guts?

"Well, I won't let you be like her. I thought you did not like being part of the mafia?"

"Yes and I still do not want to be part of it. It is too dangerous and turns one into a monster."

"So do you want to become like a monster by being like her?"

"What? No! Please tell me she is not into a mafia."

"Dear, everyone who was present yesterday in the party is involved in the mafia by birth. Those people were leaders of different mafias and their children." Dad said.


"Yes, teddy bear."

"But her been born in the mafia does not even that she likes and loves to be in it!"

She is so clueless. What can I say to make her understand?

"Teddy bear what I mean is that she is just like me."

"What the future donna of their mafia?*

"No that is not what I meant."

At that she stopped eating and she looked at me with a shocked face.

"Please tell me that you do not mean she is just as cold, heartless and ruthless as you."

"Sorry bear but that is what I mean. "

"How can you choose someone like her? She does not know how to love, she only knows how to kill and being heartless."

"Am now offended at your words. Cause am also a cold, heartless, ruthless person, don't I love you?*

"Am sorry brother. You love me so much."

"So what now? I like her okay. Those characters she portraits are the ones that made me be driven into her. My mafia needs a strong donna who can help me lead it not softy who will always be hiding in the closest if something happens."

"Am sorry big brother. I now understand you. Cause by you being heartless you are the most feared person hence no one can do anything to your mafia or family so by her being with you they will fear you both. But isn't the most feared person The Entire? She is not her."

"Yes. I know but even though she is not her how she runs her company and her ways that is what attracts me to her.*

"Okay brother am happy for you but I need a niece so soon."

"Ooh please. You have not yet joined college and you are speaking about getting kids? Work hard and after you complete your studies you will have yours."

"Ooh no! I do not want to go through labor pains. But some of my friends who have done sex tell me it is so sweet that when you do it the first time you later become an addict."

"Thats true." I mumbled.

"Adrian"mom said.


"Do not do sex before your time. Okay bear? But yes it is sweet but you can get pregnant. Do you really want that?"

"Of course not."

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