Chapter 20

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Issabelle POV

I am afraid of sleeping. What if she needs me? 

"Issa you need to rest go and sleep." Ria said.


"No but. She is sleeping and in your bedroom hence you will hear her when she cries." 

I honestly do not know when she became a wise and mature woman. I wonder what changed her.

"Okay. I know I cannot win any argument with you."

"Obviously you cannot. I will leave this room when I realized that you are deep in sleep."

I just nodded.

I did not know when I fell asleep but I was woken up by my little angel's cries. I ran towards the crib and picked her up. As soon as I picked her up she giggled. I just shook my head. 

It was still midnight and we both needed a sleep. 

I breastfed her and laid her next to me.

I was on her left side and my teddy bear on her right.

Yeah. I know what you are thinking. How can an assassin and a mother have a teddy bear in her bed and cuddles with it at night?

Teddy bears are just the best and am crazy about them.

Lia tried to hold the teddy bear. I smiled at that.

I did not notice when a chuckle eacaped me until she looked at me with curious eyes. I shook my head and she continued with what she was doing.

I guess she has no sleep at all.

She is five months old. She is growing up fast. She can sit down on her own and can even stand up.

I bet in future she will be pranking people. At her age if she wants attention from someone she always knows how to get it. My little attention seeker. I pinched her cheek softly and a groan left her mouth. I laughed.

"Hey baby, mommy is sleepy, she wants to sleep so that she cannot get sick. Can you let mommy sleep and you should also sleep and I will buy you a chocolate."

At that word she pressed my eyes shut. I laughed and I pipped and saw that she had closed her eyes and placed her head on the teddy bear. She also loves them. At least she has some of my characters.

I slept after covering her.

"Issa, wake up." Ria said.

"What? Let me sleep."

"Just stop being lazy. I came here an hour ago and you were still sleeping but Lia was awake. She is really giving me a hard time. Please come and help me."

"What? You are the one who took her downstairs instead of leaving her here. So deal with her."


I heard the door closed and I was glad.

I tried to sleep but in no vain.

"Mommy." I heard Lia's soft voice.

I love my baby so much

I woke up and sat on my bed and opened my arms. Ria was carrying her. I bet she troubled her so much for her to be returned to the bedroom.

"What did my small mischief baby do to aunty?"

She shrugged my question and tried to reach for my breasts

Ooh. Someone is really hungry.

I do love breastfeeding my child unlike most mothers.

It makes me feel and know that there is someone who depends on me.

I started breastfeeding her.

"What happened downstairs ? What did she do?" I asked Ria.

"She tore my design book apart."

"I am really sorry. Next time do not take her with you when you know that you are going there for some work."

"Okay. So what do you want for breakfast? Any cravings?" She said while laughing and Lia stopped feeding and also started laughing.

"Just shut up and leave my room."

"Okay." She said with her hands up.

And she left.

"Rude." Lia pouted out.

"What did you just say?"

She shook her head and placed her small hand on her mouth indicating silent.

I bet spending the day with her two aunts is really teaching her some stuffs.

"Do not ever say that word again it is a bad word."

"Sworry." She said.

"It okay sweetie  now continue feeding them I will get you ready."

I know even though she is not yet even an year old, I feel as if she already old cause of her behavior. She started talking for a small age baby thanks to Ria.

Now Ria is a well known designer. I really cannot wait for her to start her own clothe line. She is also famous but she always remember to stay away from the media. Cause once the parapazzi find out, she will appear in the magazines and the newspaper and all our enemies will discover where we are hiding ourselves.. The properties that I received from dad, I sold them all. I already bought a land where my company building is being constructed.

After she had finished breastfeeding she fell asleep.

I took this opportunity to go and freshen up.

I took a warm bath. I later wore a pink sweatpant, a white tank top, a star shaped diamond necklace, white sneakers. I straightened by hair. I took out a black hand bag.I love fashion.

Since I did not want a bath fight with Lia I decided to wipe her and wash her at night.

She wore similar outfit with mine. She also had a black door baby handbag.

I took her up and went downstairs.

I placed her on the couch and I walked to the dining table and took my breakfast. I was bored staying at home and I needed a walk.

I decided to visit the construction site and see the progress.

Since I came France I have not killed not even a single person.

I was in a break. I will go back to being an assassin when Lia turns one year old. I want to spend time with her. I do not want to miss any of her childhood moments. I cannot wait to see her taking her first steps.

Her first words were mommy. She was trying to wake up and I did when i heard the word. 

She is my world. My light during the night. 

Ria left a few minutes ago. She had a meeting in the company and still had classes in the afternoon. I know that Lia will miss her so badly cause they always spend time together when I need to complete a certain duty.

I picked her up and walked outside the house.

I laid her in the backseat and started driving my V8.

Since we look alike with Issa people think that we are sisters and some even confused me of her and that is what makes her happy. Her husband has proposed we do a DNA test but I did not want cause that will make me question my childhood and my family. I believe that if we are sisters we will find our one day.

No one knows my name cause it may cause unwanted attraction and I could not put my baby in danger.

As a neared the site, I was astonished. The architecture had truly done a marvelous work. I cannot wait to start up my business but I wanted to start it after all of these scandals.

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