Chapter 22

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Issabelle POV

It has being three years. Aurelia has now become a big girl. At her age she insisted that she wants to be going to school after she saw her nanny's daughter coming from school. Those two girls are unseparable. Even though Delia is three years older, she takes care of Lia as her younger sister. Everytime I look at them I always smile and I will always protect them. Even though Delia is not my child she is just close to me as my daughter. I will make both of their dreams come true.

"Aurelia and Delia can you both hurry up or you will both get late?"

They came running towards me 

"Sorry mommy."

"Sorry auntie."

They said with their mouth full of pancakes.

I just shook my head.

"Okay. Now both of you get inside and I will take both of you to school today."

"Yaah." Lia said.

"Mommy? Where did aunty Ria get to know how to cook such delicious food?" 

"Why don't you ask her tonight."

"Okay mommy."

"You know. I want to become such a great cook just like her." Delia said.

"Me too and I cannot wait to turn five so that I can get to know how to play the musical instruments and tennis games too.

"I want to learn how to play basketball."

"You all have some wierld goals my bitches. Why not shooting?"

"Mommy? "

I looked at the back seat and saw both of them glaring at me that made me chuckle.

"What have I done wrong? "

"You want us to learn about guns?"

"What! Yaah. I want both of you to learn about guns. When you turn three you will both start practicing."

"But mommy! What about my beautiful face?"

"What about it?"

"Aunt Ria told me that when everything will be fine I will be modeling just like Delia."

"Ooh. I did not know. But both of you should know that the life we live is a risky one. And we have a lot of enemies. That is why you both will learn about self defense and shooting to protect yourselves when no one is around you."

"Okay aunty we will learn about that if that is what you want and think is the best for us. Actually it will be very fun kicking some asses down."

"Now that I have thought about that yes. I agree with you. Pranking is becoming old fashion."

Ooh God! These kids.

"I do not want to be called in the school today because of both of you miss behaving."

"Okay mommy."

"I promise aunty that we will not carry out any mischief today."

"Even though it would have been fun."

"I know right?"

"I said don't you dare do anything or you will bother be grounded and will not play with your toys and you Lia I will take your teddy bear away from you."I yelled.

"You cannot do that mommy. That is been mean."

"I do not care. If you will not listen to me then you will have to pay the consequences." I shouted.

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