Chapter 21

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Adrian pov

Days became months and months turned into years since I last saw her and am loosing hopes about finding her. I really miss her. Raphael has been quiet but Lucas who was sent in his mafia as a spy for us informed us that Raphael knows who Issabelle really is and he has been searching for her. I need to find her before he does. I have also been searching for the leader who helped Raphael but in no vain.

Since the day Eveline had refused to eat or go out of her bedroom I started living at my parents' mansion. I was in the couch when Eve came running towards me. 

"Big brother look at this, isn't she ..."

I snatched the newspaper and studied it. 

It was Ariana, she looked just like her but they did not see her name. 


The company is in france. Even though she may not be the one I have to find my luck

"She looks like Ariana but we are not sure. I will travel to France to get the truth."

"Okay brother. I hope you find her."

"I will teddy bear."

I kissed her on the forehead.

I picked up my phone and called Frank.

"Prepare the jet we are leaving for France."

"Okay don."

"Be ready after half an hour."


I walked upstairs and packed a few clothes.

I had a lot of questions running in my mind.

If that was truly Ariana that means that Issabelle was hiding herself but wanted happened now? Why did they want to reveal themself? Doesn't she know that they may be in danger due to that? 

But at the same time what if it was a mistake?

I looked at the picture and it was on angle as if the one who took the picture did not want to be discovered.

I need to hurry up before Raphael gets there before me or even Mr Moretti.

Issabelle is still mad at him and she does not know the truth. 

I picked up my suitcase and walked downstairs.

"Son where are you going?" Dad asked.

"Am going to France."

"What is the occasion?"

"You have not yet read the newspapers, have you?"

"No I have not. What is going on? "

I handed him the paper.

"She looks just like Issabelle's sister."

"Yes she does. That is why am going to find out if she is truly the one cause if she is the one they might be in danger."

"I agree with you son. Nice journey and be careful."

"I will dad."

I walked out of the house speedily and after ten minutes I was in the main house.

"Hey man. Long time."

I just nodded my head. I was in no mood till I find her save and sound.

"Can we get going? For all we know Raphael might be in his way to France and we need to get there before him."

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