Chapter 36

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Issabelle pov

We walked downstairs hand with him. I know realise how much I missed his damn body.

"So when do you think we can go to Mexico?" He asked.

"I honestly do not know but I think if it is best if we started the journey soon you know. It is a four hour journey hence we can get there at night and rescue Lia."

At a corner of my eye I saw Ria walking towards the living room but when she saw both of us she averted her direction and went to the kitchen.

"Okay. I agree with you but we need to have a plan on how we will attack the basement where Aurelia is held hostage." He said and I nodded in agreement cause we could not go and rescue our daughter without a proper plan.

"Okay. So I think that we need a map of the damn warehouse."

"Okay. But where will we get it?"

Actually I had not thought of that!
Amy! Gosh how had I not thought about that?

"Wait for me here. I will be back within a minute."

I rushed to the bedroom and gotten out my laptop and started messaging Amy. I just hope that she will be willing to help me cause I do not want to use blackmail on her but if she insist that she cannot help me I will not have any other choice than to black mail her for sure.


What's up with you in keeping on texting me cause I know for sure that you do not miss me. Actually I even do not know who you are anymore.

I chuckled at that even though she could not hear me.

Ooh please. do you think that it has been easy for me staying apart from my family and friends ? I miss you Amy but now it is no time start talking about the long lost time between us. After all the drama is over and I will be free we will get time to talk about that.

Okay. Then I guess that you are texting me now because you need something or even more better a favor. Am I correct?

I sighed. Does she always has to be difficult all the time? My time is so precious bitch.

Okay. Fine.yes I need something from you.

And what does her majesty want?

Do you hate me so much?

Hate? Naah. I do not. What I feel for you is more or less than that. I despise you you know. If you were dead all the properties that dad was handling for your family could have been mine do you know that? But no. You little brat decided to come back alive and take everything from us.

Ooh please. you talk as if you were left homeless but in reality you were not. You know that you should be thanking the Almighty that you still have your family beside you and they aren't dead like mine.

I saw her typing but it later disappeared.
I swear am going to kill this bitch!

Yaah maybe I do not not know but I have always lived in fear that Raphael might come here and kill us anytime cause we live out of his pity.

Am sorry but I have also been living like that. So let me stop beating around the bush and go directly to what made me text you.

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