Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The beginning

"Wanrou san! Wanrou san!"

At the castle within the Sun Kingdom, a maid is running inside the hallways trying to find the master servant. Which is Matsuoka Wanrou. After running around for five minutes, she finally finds the person she was looking for.

"Wanrou san." The maid is out of breath

"Running around the halls is prohibited. Unless its something important, then I suggest for you to speak what is it." The man coldly said

"The king. He's, running out of time."

"............Naruhodo." The man turns around. "Gather all the maids and servants. Inform the royal family."

"But, Tanjiro sama is nowhere to be found." The maid added

"Then I will go find him myself."

The man began to walk briskly out the room he was in. He thunders down the hall and up around the maze like space inside the castle. He eventually reached to an open space where the garden was located at. Already, he can hear the children's laughter and he quickly approach the source of the sound.

"Haha! Onii chan is it!"

"Run away!"

"Oh don't you dare."

The man stops when he sees a young teenage boy running around chasing his siblings. He had a maroon with burgundy tips coloured hair and a scar on his forehead he got from an accident. He wears a semi-formal clothing similar to what a prince would wear. After some time, the teenager finally notices the man.

"Oh, Wan san. I didn't see you there." The boy scratch his head

"Wan san, come and play with us!" The young children swarms around him

"Prince Tanjiro sama, I'm afraid that I required your attention." Wan spoke in a calmly manner

"Oh come on now. Lets have some fun Wan san. It can't be that important right?"

"I'm afraid it is so." Wan looked at him straight into the pair of red orbs. "Its about your father."

After hearing his explanation, the young prince eyes widens in shock. He immediately left his siblings and ran into the castle in such a hurry. Wan just calmly watches him go as he himself escorts the younger ones to the main chamber.

After they arrived at the main chamber, they can see the redhead holding hands with an older person on the bed. He's sobbing, crying as he refuses to let go. Right beside him was his mother and his sister, Nezuko.

"Otou san?" One of the children wonders what was happening

"Children, come here." Their mother calmly said

Wan and the other staff members stood by the doorway as they see the family crying for the king. Then, it happened.

"Otou san? Otou san?!" Tanjiro began to panic

"Tanjiro." His mother tries to calm him down

All of the royal Kamado family members hugs each other to cope for the loss of their beloved father and husband. The maid came in with a cloth and covers the face of the deceased.

"The time has come. Tell the royal guards to spread the news. Shut down any trading operations and close the main gate." Wan calmly instructed


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