Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Battling forefront

"Come back here you little piece of shit!"

"F*ck off already you potter freak!"

Within the crowd full of soldiers and demons fighting each other, a boar headed man and a redhead is running through them as they were chased after by a man stuck inside a flower pot decorated in flora patterns all over it. They weren't chased directly by the man, instead flying fishes and land fish with deadly consequences.

"I will get you. Sooner or later." Gyokko smiles with confidence

"I don't want any of your bullshit Potter!"

"Too late now."

"Pottery magic: Water basin of hell."

As Inosuke was weaving through the crowds, he sensed a new danger. He sensed something cold wrapping his feet. He knew he was trapped at that instance. He jumped hoping to get free of it but it's still there. Now he feel it creeping up to his knees inside his armour.

'Crap! This is not good!'

He looked at the tuft of red hair right beside his head thinking about the person on his shoulder. He had no choice but to throw him away from him to dodge the trap. Without hesitation, he threw the unconscious prince into the crowd just ahead of him. He needed to let others deal with him whilst he deals with the new threat. Within an instance after throwing the redhead, he was engulfed inside a pot made purely out of water.

"Getting hard to breathe?" Gyokko chuckle in delight

'Gotta get out of here!' Inosuke panicked

With a desperate attempt, he uses both his swords and thrust them directly into the wall of the basin. But it didn't even leak. He tried again and again trying to get out of the trap but was no use. The other men around them couldn't help him as they were too busy dealing with the deadly aquatic life on land.

"Stabbing swords ain't gonna do you any favour. These are a lot harder to break than steel itself. You can now die knowing that it was useless after all." Gyokko simply laughs at him

Inosuke helplessly clawing for breath as he can't find any. He was submerged under a few centimetres thick water. It somehow felt funny to him that he would die this way. To think that he would die to the very same thing he drank every day. Ironic he thinks to say the least. He began to slow down as his vision is getting worse if not already blur thanks to the water. At that point, he knew that he was doomed with no way out.

"Water magic: Fast flowing current."

As he had already lost hope, a miracle had happened. A person came and cut the basin open releasing the massive amount of water as well as the boar headed man. He coughed out the water that was inside his lung and took a very deep breath regaining himself. He looked up to see a familiar royal who came after seeing what had happened to his falling soldiers.

"Ah, someone else came. Want to play as well are we?" Gyokko rub both his hands together

"I wasn't expecting to get a jackpot today. I guess it's my lucky day." The man simply said

"What did you just called me?!"

"Yeah Potter! Better watch your mouth now!" Inosuke shouted

"That's even worse!" Gyokko was ticked off

"Pottery magic: Glittering scales."

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