Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Distant wishes

"Quickly now!"

Underneath all the treetops, a certain redhead is riding a horse with his sister on his back whilst the two other guards follow them on two separate horses. Speeding towards the Kingdom where they lived, only to see it all burning. The houses, the stores, all of it. And several unknown figures kept on spreading those fires. Tanjiro has seen enough.

"Sun breathing: Beneficent radiance!"

From his horse, he jumped into a spiral motion striking his opponents. Zenitsu and Inosuke dismounted as well whilst Nezuko is still on the horse.

"You three save the civilians! I'm gonna go check the castle!" Tanjiro began to ran

"Onii chan! Wait."

"And take care of her! Don't let her get hurt!"

"Aye your majesty!" Zenitsu got fired up

Tanjiro kept on running towards the castle ground. As soon as he reached the gate, he found bodies, scattered around the courtyard. Something has definitely strike here. He went in knowing he's facing a strong opponent.

'Kaa chan, where are you?'

Entering the castle, he already see the destruction that have been inflicted. The once beautiful castle with moving rooms is now in ruins. The rooms are now stationary, permanently in the rubbles. A huge open space between the entrance and the other side of the wall. And the throne from the throne room was there. A figure sits there with the crown on his head.

"Ah, here comes the missing prince."

"Who the hell are you?" Tanjiro tightens the grip on his sword. "And what did you do to my Kingdom?!"

"Correction. My Kingdom actually. As I am the rightful heir of the throne." The male stood up

"Heir? You're not one of us! You're not worthy to become one!"

"Oh I'm more than just worthy." The male approach the redhead. "For I am a Tsugikuni."

'Tsugikuni? Isn't that, the founder?'

"Lies, Tsugikuni's had died out long ago." Tanjiro confidently said

"Not me. I have survived." The figure smiled. "Want to know why?"

"You're a demon. And a demon don't belong to the throne." Tanjiro swings his sword

"Hold it."

The tall male snaps his fingers and came in five crescent shaped beings. On it, five members of the royal families are tied up both hands and feet. Tanjiro immediately withdraw his blade from the man's neck.

"Recognise them from somewhere?"

"You, you bastard!" Tanjiro yelled

"Tanjiro, we're fine. Who is this man?" His mother, Kie is puzzled

"Wait, where's Wan san?" The redhead noticed

"You mean this man?" The figure throws something towards the him. "I took care of him while he was peacefully reading his book."

The thing stopped rolling as it was revealed to be the head of the person he knew. He gasp and covers his mouth and nose trying to not vomit. The younger ones began to cry calling out names. The mother tries to calm them down.

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