Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: A surprised visitor

Yesterday, I was visited by my old friend. After being in a coma for three days, the first figure I see were Rui. I've known him for a long time, once was a guard for the palace until he suddenly disappears one day. After years of not hearing anything from him, when we finally met for the first time in years, is also the last time I see him, forever.

How did it came to this? I know he wasn't someone who is easily to take his own life for nothing. His speech, it wasn't him. Something is going on, and it is all connecting up somehow.

"Tanjiro sama?"


"Um, someone is here to see you."

"Who is it?"





















In the hallway, Tanjiro is led by his ring towards the room where they would entertain guests that come here, whether for business or only for a friendly visits. Upon arrival, the door was already opened and inside, a woman stood up to greet him.

"Good afternoon your majesty." The woman bowed

"You." Tanjiro recognises her. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to speak to you. If you please let me-"

"You know the risks of coming here yes?" Tanjiro question her

"Yes." The woman smiled. "But this is for my little sister."

Tanjiro closed the door behind him and went over to where the woman is sitting at. He sat in the opposite couch right across hers. In the middle was a table with a tray of coffee and tea served hot.


"Kanae Kocho."

"Yes, Kanae san. May I call you that?" Tanjiro asked for permission

"Yes you can, your majesty." Kanae seems to be nervous

"You can call me Tanjiro, Kanae san."

"Right, forgive me for suddenly visiting you at a time like this." Kanae bowed

"Its dangerous to come here you know? What if the attackers come back here?" Tanjiro worryingly said

"How are you Tanjiro kun? Is your injuries doing fine?" Kanae suddenly changes the topic

"Ah, its still is healing you see." Tanjiro simply said

"May I?" Kanae got up

"What are you doing?"

"Flower magic: Gardens of divine spirits."

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