Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Troublemakers

"Sorry for-"

"Hello there."

Tanjiro was about to greet whoever is on the other side of the door, but he stopped when he sees a familiar figure coming to visit him at this time of hour.

"Um......" 'Its her! That girl from that day!'

"Hmm? Don't you recognise me?" The woman in front of him pointed to herself

"Ano, you're from the Spade Kingdom." Tanjiro tries so hard to remember her name

"Yes, I am. Can I converse with you in private?"

"Yeah yeah sure. Come on in."

Both Tanjiro and the woman went inside his chamber where he shows her where she can sit at. She sat on the chair whilst he was sitting by the open window frame.

"Alright miss. What are we conversing in this lovely night tonight?" Tanjiro stated his curiosity

"..........Ano, I wanted to say sorry for ignoring you back then." She spoke

"Oh yeah. Wait, you actually spoke to me this time." Tanjiro just had a realization

"And also, I wanted to say this for a long time already. But, thank you for saving me from those peoples back then." She stood up and bowed

'Oh yeah, I almost forgot that I saved her that day. So she came by only to say thanks? That can't just be it, right?' The redhead thought

"Hai hai. Its nothing really. I was just stumbling around town for my own personal business." Tanjiro looked at her. "Although, may I ask you something miss?"

"Yes, yes you can."

"That thing that you flipped, what was that exactly?"

The young woman went silent. She was hesitant whether or not to trust this person to not take her personal belongings or ask her of her dark past. Tanjiro grew increasingly worried for her.

'The scent of doubt, nervous and sadness all mixed together. I guess its something precious to her.' He thought

"Its fine, if you don't want to-"

"Actually, I will show you what it is." She cut her off

She took out a coin, the very same one he saw that night from her pocket. Tanjiro eyed his attention towards the two side coin with carvings of head on one side and tail on the other.

"I used this coin to help me decide on things that I haven't been told to do yet. For instance, talking to someone I don't know." She explains

"Naruhodo. Is that the reason you left me that night?"

"Hai, gomennasai."

"Why do you rely on your coin? Can't you make the decision on your own?" Tanjiro tilted his head

"...........I don't think I can do that." She got up and began to run out

"Wait! Can I please know your name?"

She stopped in her footsteps right by the door. Tanjiro stood there by the window waiting for an answer. She turns around and face him.

"Orewa Tsuyuri Kanao. Sayonara."

She turns around ran out the door as it slowly closes. The redhead was stunned by the sudden gesture. But, he smiled when he finally got the one thing he have been wondering this whole time.

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