Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: The rise of the Kings

In the partly destroyed town, a man waltz along the now empty streets filled with craters and mangled flesh of his soldiers. Doesn't seem that life are presence other than the man himself.

"It's eerily quiet my lord."

"Too quiet." He replied

"Maybe we shou-"

As the non significant other was talking, he was cut off, literally by something sharp. He died in that instance and his corpse laid there right beside him.

"Looks like someone is here for revenge, perhaps?"

"Revenge?" A voice spoke. "A bit vague don't you think?"

"This is no revenge. No good sir." Another voice spoke. "It's your demise speaking right now."

"Well then, demise. How am I supposed to die tonight?"

"Painfully." Yet another voice spoke

"How many of you are there?"

"More than you think that is enough to end you."


As the silent grew, a sudden loud sound burst through the space distorting it. Muzan without effort stood still and saw a metal projectile stopped mere inches away from his face. He looked around to pin point the source.

'The roof. Guess I have to deal with them first.'

He raised his hands and snapped his fingers. The crisp sound vibrates through the air. It was quickly followed by another sound. Strings being strummed and doors magically appears above the rooftops. It opens and dropping some kind of canisters.


Chaos quickly ensues as explosions destroys the houses and shops one by one. Flesh and blood splatters all around the square. Muzan smiles in delight hearing the screaming of pain and misery all around him. Knowing they will die makes it a thousand times more pleasing to him than his victims.

"Still care to play this chess game of yours?" He taunted

"You've only merely took out our pawns. We have done that as well."

"Not to mention, your minister and knights was taken out as well."

".......True, but." Muzan still smiles. "You haven't taken out both minister. Only one. And beside."

"I still have my fortress."

Muzan once again snapped his fingers and doors started to appear everywhere. The doors opens and began dropping more explosive lighting the night aflame. The loud noise polluted the area as well as debris flying all over the place. Not long after the first drop, it stops. It revealed what was once a town square with building around it, now it's in ruins. He smiles in delight knowing no one could survive the explosion.

"Serves you right." He blankly said

"Serve what right?"

Hearing a male voice behind him had his eyes widens in surprise. The sound of footsteps walking on the rubbles suggest that the person is really right behind him. Without hesitation, he turns around and unleash a fireball from his hand. But the figure dodged it as he wasn't surprised by his sudden attack no more. Muzan scoffed in disdain as the figure was actually one of his own.

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