Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Unforseen darkness

Check check. Test 123. Test. Seems to be working. Alright, lets get this show rolling shall we?





















In the castle of the Heart Kingdom, two different person is battling out the strong and the weak. One with determination of defeating the other one whilst the other is only having fun.

"Come on Kyoujuro! Join us! We can fight like this forever if you want." The demon casually said midst battle

"I refuse! No amount of convincing will make me betray my own kingdom!" Kyoujuro shouted

"Flame magic: Blazing universe!"

"Compass detection, Fiery breath."

Kyoujuro unleashed a series of flame raining down from above. Akaza however uses only his fist to punch it all nullifying the attack entirely. Kyoujuro took this opportunity to run up to his opponent while he was distracted.

"Flame magic: Unknowing fire!"

As if he was holding a sword made purely from flame, he swings it aiming for the neck. Inches away from hitting his target, his blade were blocked by a fist covered in blue flame.

"Impressive Kyoujuro. You're much more capable than I imagined."


Kyoujuro pulled back his blade trying to get another hit from an another angle. But before he even got the chance to do so, Akaza returns the favour by punching a shot dead on one of his eyes. Kyoujuro was distracted as he lost half his vision halfway in the fight. He jumps back but Akaza was a step ahead of him.

"Flame magic: Bursting flame explosion!"

He punches shots after shot for exactly a thousand times tight onto Kyoujuro's body. He suffers several bruises and cracked ribs, a broken arm and a fractured knee. He fell down sliding on the once polished floor away from Akaza.

Akaza smiles thinking he had definitely broken the loyal spirit contained within the man. He thought he would be begging for him to stop and join him as a demon. But, the man stood up. Despite being mortally wounded which should killed a normal person. Kyoujuro is definitely not normal as he was still breathing and not wanting to back down from this fight.

"So you can still stand. That was unexpected."

"Of course. I won't get defeated that easily." Kyoujuro spoke in between breath

"Even with your injuries, you still stood. If you join us, those injuries would be nothing but a scratch."

"I have said it before and I will say it again. I will never betray my own kingdom. As my heart lies within this place and nothing will ever move it out."

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