Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: The encounter of the two great leaders

"So we meet at last. Ubuyashiki."

Turning the clock back a little, at the hidden Diamond Kingdom was a figure walking in the cold empty streets. His vision were set on a massive tent in the middle of the whole kingdom. Guards were present but none could stop him from entering it. Because those who even tries to will die within an instant. Inside, a man sat on a raised floor on top of a cushion. Almost all of his face and hands were rotten thanks to his family genetic disease.

"I have been expecting you, Kibutsuji Muzan." Kagaya calmly greeted the man

"You clearly have seen better days don't you? With half your body already rotten away. You're nothing but a living corpse." Muzan approaches the man

"Funny you should say that Muzan. I have already been expecting you to come. For someone at your age, you look pretty pale for a healthy man."

"Says the one who hides for 100 years from me."

"Its already been a hundred years huh?"

"Alright Ubuyashiki, cut the crap. You know what I came here for right?" Muzan cut straight to the point

"Ah, yes. You came so far right? Maybe I should just give it to you. The Mother's gem." Kagaya calmly said

"Yes, if you do. Then I will spare your life along with your family." Muzan put his hands out

"Do you really think, I would just give it to you?" Kagaya stared directly into his eyes. "My great grandfather and his great grandfather and his great grandfather to the founder himself have been protecting the stone from someone like you."

"There's no one else like me. Give me the stone or your life." Muzan threatens him

"You lost your talent when you shake hand with the devil. Your soul is cursed."

"Says the one who can change the future. Looking forward in time only to change for your benefit."

"The future is bright for this piece of land we stood on." Kagaya took out a shard. "Want to know why I'm halfway rotten?"

Muzan was confused for a sec until he sees the shard that was his own invention. He looked around and sees shards scattered around the place like a well placed bombs.

"You wouldn't dare." Muzan glare at him

"I would." Kagaya jumped from his seat and hold onto Muzan

"Let me go!"

"For I will do anything to make that future come true. No matter what it takes."

As Kagaya hold on to him, he throws the shard in his hand right onto Muzan's foot. The sound of a tink echoes and it turns into an explosion. The other shards was effected creating a chain reaction blowing the place sky high. The explosion awakens every single person in the kingdom and the invisible barrier dome had came down revealing the kingdom to the world.

In the center of the destroyed tent and burning debris, a man lies motionless. He coughed and he sat up looking very annoyed.

"You think that was enough to kill me? Well I don't think so." Muzan looks at his surroundings

"Looks like you've awaken your own people Ubuyashiki. You really are a bad leader." He casually said and got up

Muzan was about to take a step away from the burning site, but he was quickly stopped when he felt a sting of sheer pain on his shoulder. His left arm suddenly went limp and numb.

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