Chapter 27

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Chapter 27: Overwhelming power

"Kaa chan."

Nezuko was overwhelmed with a ton of emotions surging through her at the same time. The tears welling up in her eyes began to cascade a steady stream down her cheeks. In front of her was her mother which she had thought to never see again. Without hesitation, she ran across the room past her other siblings and hugs her mother very tightly.

"Kaa chan! You're still alive! I thought." Nezuko sobs

"Of course. Wan san had done his best to protect us." The queen looked up and stare at the man. "Thank you, Wan san."

"It's only part of my duty your majesty." Wan calmly replied

"Oh, a visitor." Another figure just popped out of the workshop


"Didn't expect for you to come back here so soon Wan." The man, Hoshi noted

"Well, change of plan. The war tonight will be happening here."

"Wait, here?" Kie was shocked

"In other words, we need to get you out of here as quickly as possible as far as possible. And that duty befalls into my hands." Wan noted seriously

"Right." Hoshi nods

"Are we gonna be alright?" One of the children asks their mother

"Everything is gonna be fine. Especially when Wan san is the one in charge." Kie reassures her children

"Then, lets move quickly out of here."

"Wait." Kie stood up. "Where's Tanjiro?"

"........." Wan stayed silent

"Wan san? Where's onii chan?" Nezuko became suspicious

".........I will tell you. When we're on the way." He hesitantly replied

"Wait, where is he? Did something bad happened?" Kie became more worried

"Wan buddy. Is there something you aren't telling us?" Hoshi became sus as well

"I........I, well. Ehem. I, I." Wan stuttered a lot

"Wan san?"

"He feels guilty." Hoshi blurted

"Huh?" They all looked at Hoshi

"What kind of wrong doing did you do to the prince? Is it personal?" He began to question

"No." Wan quickly answered

"Did you perhaps lost him?" Wan nodded. "And?"

"I, couldn't find him." Wan finally confess. "Please forgive me. The least I could do right now is to bring the rest of you to safety."


"Kojima san?"

"Hoshi! You need to see this!"

As per demand, all of them followed the old blacksmith outside the shop. Most of them didn't realize it. But only the four had their jaw dropped.

"It's night time? Already?!"

"How long were we inside for?"

"The light just faded away and the next thing I saw, it was night time." Old man Kojima explains

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