Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: The final countdown

"Are you giving up now?"

At the open space where the castle used to stood upon, two figure are facing each other in a fight of the centuries. One still stood on both feet whilst the other on one knee. The demon king seems fine as he casually holds his firearm. Whilst the King of the snow wasteland, was on one knee with his head bleeding and his breathing was all over the place. He tries his best to keep himself conscious in front of his enemy.

"Seems like you've bled a lot there." Muzan had a dumb smile on his face. "I'm no vampire, but they do look quite appealing to the eyes."

"Blood on the ground, meant that I am willing to do just about everything, to stop you." Giyuu spoke between breath

"I see." The demon lord cocks his gun. "Are you willing to die then?"

"Death is nothing, compared to the suffering of the innocence after my death." Giyuu slowly got back on both feet. "And besides, tonight is not gonna be the time I die."

"Seems like otherwise."

Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger and the barrel rotates with a loud bang. The recoil made his hand flex up a bit the moment after the metal projectile exits the barrel. Giyuu pulls his sword out of the ground and into a stance. He mutters something and water began to flow out of his sword and it deflected the bullet away from him.

Muzan did not wastes time as he pulls the trigger once more, but this time it did not fire. The barrel was cut in half and so was his arms. He was surprised to say the least when the person in front of him can barely moves and yet, his arm was cut off. Then, another figure appears and stood right besides the wounded man.

"You're a bit late." Giyuu commented

"You're lucky that I was here in the first place. Here." The figure dropped a tube

'A shard?'

"Your wife sends this gift. Be grateful."

"And who are you to suddenly enter this battle. This isn't your fight as far as I can tell." Muzan casually said

"Frankly, I don't give a shit about you or your damn kingdom. But you've made one mistake." The figure holds up something hairy. "You've kidnapped my wife. And that just makes it personal, bitch."

As Muzan looks closer to the hairy thing in the figure's hand, he realized that his head was getting chilly. He touched it and realized there was none left of his hair. Out of frustration, he grew back the hair and arms he had lost in a mere split second.

"That that, baldy." The figure dropped the hair

"Manners, maketh, man. Something that I respect about you, Iguro." Giyuu was healed back to health

"About time Tomioka. Think you can keep up?" Obanai says in confidence

"Better yet, I will get to him first before you do." Giyuu confidently replied

"You stupid mortals. I will not just bury your dead corpse oh no." Muzan flicks back his cloak. "I will burn you in hell myself."

As he flicks his cloak behind him, it revealed the mirage of the many tubes he was carrying on him. All of it seems to be glowing with different colour each.

'That's a lot of shards.' They both thought

"I never thought of having to deviate to this method." Muzan took one. "Just in case my magic somehow drained out."

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