Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Memories

"You're quite strong. But not as strong as he is."

Meanwhile, somewhere in the dark forest, to men are face to face one with bare fist and the other with a wavy sword. The trees around them are burning and they're surrounded in a herd of snakes circling around them.

"So you admit that you're the one who killed him?" The royal figure glares at his opponent

"It's his fault really. He should've accepted my offer. Otherwise he would been alive by now, Kyoujuro." The other figure smiles sinisterly

"Your offer? It's thrash. He would never accept from the likes of you."

"The likes of me? There's no other man like me. But there are many that are the likes of you. A dead man."

"Argh! Serpent magic: Coiling death!"

"Flame magic: Blue cluster burst."

The two men continuing on fighting each other with their magic. Keeping distance from each other as blue flame and snakes are everywhere. The fight goes on almost as if they're both on par with each other.

'Akaza! What are you doing?! Just kill him already!'

"Will do sire!" Akaza suddenly shouted

"Who are you talking to?" Obanai parry away the flames

"None of your business, dead man."

"Flame magic: Chaotic blue afterglow!"

"Serpent magic: Twin headed Viper!"

Akaza unleash many upon many punches that was lit up with blue flame all coming straight towards Obanai. Instead of a defense, Obanai made a daring move and went for the full offence instead.

He sent a massive snake that has two head spiralling around each other. It went through the barrage of flame but not all of them were blocked. Obanai just uses his sword to parry it to the best of his ability whilst Akaza was dealing with the flying snake coming down right at him. He punched one of the heads but it was not effective. He was bitten by the massive fang and huge amount of poison enters his blood stream. Realizing the danger, he broke both the fangs from both heads and it instantly kills them. It left him a lot of pain as the poison is strong and he needs some time to heal.

'Come on heal!'

"Serpent magic: King Cobra!"

Obanai sees his opportunity and jumps right towards the fallen enemy. He unleashed the inner spirit and he himself become one with his snakes into the formidable King Cobra. He slithers around the body and coil up around Akaza. He tightens the coil crushing his enemy's bones in the process before he took a bite on his head. With one strong tug, he ripped it off from the body. He spits it out into a tree and release the now lifeless body. He morphed back into his human form and walk towards the now speechless head.

"That's what you get for killing my family." Obanai coldly said

"Which one? The one in the castle? Kyoujuro isn't it?" Akaza spits out blood

"You're still alive?"

"He's strong and he's not a royal. How can you say he's a family?"

"He may be hard to deal with at times. Bit he's a nice guy. I consider him as a part of the family even though we aren't blood related. Now die."

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