Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The plan

Back at the castle in the Sun Kingdom, Tanjiro is about to interrogate the prisoners they have caught after Nezuko was kidnapped. But he's not his usual self as he is filled with pure rage just waiting to be unleash onto some poor souls.

"Ouch, that hurts onii chan!"

"Just suck it up Ume. We're in deep trouble right now."

"And indeed you two are."

As the older brother were treating his sister, the cell doors opened and a person with red hair entered the dimly lit cell. Gyutaro, the male prisoner stood up to face him.

"And who are you?" Gyutaro intimidatingly asked

"I'm prince Tanjiro Kamado, the eldest son of the late king, Tanjuro Kamado." Tanjiro calmly said

"Don't you dare come any closer." Gyutaro put up a fighting stance. "Or else."

"Hmm? You look extraordinarily thin. Are you hungry, or thirsty perhaps?"

Tanjiro pulled out a glass bottle filled with water. He handed out to Gyutaro for him to take it. Gyutaro still had his fighting stance on as he slowly approaches the man. He was about to quickly snatch the bottle but Tanjiro had other plans in mind. Right before Gyutaro grab it, he twists and swing the bottle straight into Gyutaro's head causing it to break on impact. Gyutaro fell down soaking wet with a bleeding head.

"Onii chan!" Ume quickly ran by his side

"What the hell man?!"

"Normally, I would treat you nicely as if you're our guests here. But as of now," Tanjiro throws away the remaining of the glass bottle to the side. "You two have messed with the wrong kingdom. By kidnapping my sister, you have already signed off your death certificate."

"No! I don't want to die! Onii chan!" Ume bawled out

"Calm down Ume."

"Unless, you tell me where is she. Then I will reconsider your punishment." Tanjiro ease up

"If I tell you, we will get killed. If I don't tell you, we will still get killed. How is this any beneficial to us?"

"What do you meant by that?"

"The man we worked for, he has put on some sort of a curse on us. Why did you think the other two that came here had died huh?"

"Rui didn't killed himself?"

"No! We will be killed either we failed our mission or leak out any information about him!" Gyutaro shouted

"I see. So you two have stepped into a deep hole you will never get out of." Tanjiro walked out of the cell. "I'll let you live, for now."

"Thank you man."

"Don't thank me yet. You still have to go through trial after this is all done and dealt with."

Tanjiro left the two in their cell with guards watching them all the time. He went back up to the surface and were heading towards his own room. That's when he sees that somebody is already waiting for him in front of the door.

"Tanjiro sama. I have return."

"Welcome back Wan san." Tanjiro greeted him

"I have two news to be delivered, whether its bad or good, you decide." Wan simply said

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