Chapter 31

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Chapter 31: Final confrontation

"You mortals really are getting on my nerves!"

At the ring of crater created by an explosion, a group of people are fighting to the death like never before. With five in the ring and six outside the ring, the battle was fierce like a tornado raging through the quiet neighborhood. It was ten against one duel. In hindsight, it may not seems to be a fair fight. But if the opponent you're up against were someone who won't die no matter how many times they cut, burn or blow this man to pieces, then you would agree that this man is indeed an immortal who lives for eternity unless they defeat him. Right here, in this very night.

"Just die you scumbag!"

"Sun magic: Dashing star."

"Water magic: Grandeur whirlpool."

"Serpent magic: Cascading snakes."

"Sound magic: String performance, rival of the horses."

All the ones inside the ring were ones that has powerful magic, enough to rival the magic-less man in front of them. Muzan uses his hundreds of years practicing in swordsmanship knowledge into use and it pays off, for now. Even without the swords, he was trained well enough to escape and hide. So when things gets rough, they need to keep him in sight or he will be gone forever. That's where the ones on the outer rings comes into play.

"Watch your aim Genya." A guard with white hair looks down on the man in front of him

"I'm trying my best here Nemi." A guy with mohawk styled hair responded as he aims his rifle down the iron sights

"Flower magic: Flesh devourers."

"Insect magic: Hexagonal chain link."

As the two sisters sets up a defensive measurement to prevent the man from escaping, one of the three were anxiously watching the whole thing unfolds. She was the youngest princess in her kingdom currently and yet, she wanted to help instead of hiding behind the walls she's trapped in. Her magic aren't like her sister's. Hers was better when she was up close with her opponents. This was because her magic weren't as strong as she was only blessed with a small amount of magic. But this doesn't deter her from wanting to help. She was never told to do so, but it felt like someone had whispered into her ears. A voice she hadn't known existed before.

'You can do this Kanao.'

She looks around to find no one close to her. And yet the voice was somehow felt foreign and yet familiar. She look down to her waist where she had kept the sword she was given in case she had to defend herself. The voice seems to linger around her head telling her the exact same thing over and over again. She was conflicted however, as her sisters had told her to stay put.

'Should I use the coin? Probably.'

Having that thought in her mind, she took out the coin she had carried around wherever she goes. It can't be use for bartering, but it does help her make decisions. She take a good look at it before tossing it high into the night sky. It twirls at speed making it almost impossible for anybody to guess accurately which way it would land. She stares at the coin until an image flashes in her mind.

"Why do you rely on your coin? Can't you make your own decisions?"

'How can I make my own decision? Someone, please tell me.' She's feeling scared

The coin she had flipped didn't quite land on her palm. It bounce off and into the cracks in between the rubbles. She tries to retrieve it but to no avail. The coin had fallen too deep into the cracks to the point she couldn't reach it.

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