Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: Post battle

In the horizon, the sun crept up from where it was hiding before. It light shines upon the destruction that have been done over the past two nights. Everyone in the whole entirety of the land sigh a massive relief when the news spread, that the battle was finally over. Most of the people had already recovered from the damage that had been done. But for some, they would never recover what they've lost such as lives of the ones who fought and died in the battle. But for the citizens of the Sun Kingdom however, they're missing the whole entire royal family who would usually lead them in this kind of situation. The only one they knew that are still alive is the prince.

"Is he alright?"

"We demand responsibility!"

"Get him out here!"

"We want explanation!"

A big crowd had gathered around a doctor house to treat the injured. This includes the Prince of the Sun Kingdom, who had been awake for several hours now. He can practically smell the scent of anger and fear as well as doubt brewing up like a storm. He sighed in disappointment of himself as he doesn't know what to do. Should he confront them just like before? What should he tell them? Their houses and shops are destroyed and lives have been lost due to the battle he had failed to finish in one night.

'What should I do?' He thought feeling down

"Your highness, are you feeling alright?" The age old butler came to greet the troubled prince

"I'm feeling fine Wan san." He simply answered

"I meant by mentally speaking." Wan calmly spoke

"Still the same answer." Tanjiro replied

"I see. Well in that case, please excuse myself for a while."

As the old butler retreat, Tanjiro saw him conversing with someone just out the door frame. After he had left, someone else came in and knocked. Tanjiro quickly react to it.

"Come in."

"......" A girl went in

"Oh, ah. T-Tsuyuri san." He stuttered his words

"I- Forgive me for intruding." The princess shyly spoke

"No no, it's fine. Please do come and sit." Tanjiro began to sweat profusely

"......Thank you." She walks over and sit on a chair he had pulled out

"Ah, let me go and make some tea."

Tanjiro wanting to escape for a few moments thought of making tea so that he could get his mind straighten out. But as he was about to open the door, someone else had opened it first and a tray filled with a tea pot, two cups and a plate of fruit cake was presented to him.

"Eh, Wan san?" He was surprised

"Tea your highness?" Wan handed them over

"Ah, yes. Thanks."

After the handover, Wan close the door gently leaving Tanjiro with the tray. He turns around and walks back towards the princess. The sound of ceramics shaking and clattering resonates throughout the room as his hand was shaking in anxiety. Though he shouldn't be that anxious about having a lady in his room. But this wasn't just about that.

'What if she was mad about yesterday? What if she got scared? Why did I do that to her? Did she got injured? Does she hate me now?'

The truth is, after he was knocked out by his master servant, he didn't remember much of what had happened. It was not until after he woke up that he was told of what had happened. He felt guilty at the time and pairing that to the angry mob outside, he became more stressful. He began to hate himself more than the angry citizen outside of these walls hating him.

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