Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Preparations

Back at the Diamond Kingdom, things were getting interesting. At the town square where once stood a massive tent, the main group had just arrived there and they were greeted by and army of a thousand soldiers and cavalrymen all armour up ready to fight.

"You're telling me he did this in one night." Uzui had his jaw hung

"Yep." Tatsuo simply responded equally amazed by it

"Wan san, how did you gather so many of them?" Tanjiro asked the man

"I just had some talk with them. Although some were beaten up in the process." Wan replied

"Are you the one who's doing the beating, or-" Nezuko was cut off

"They did that to themselves. I only walk without looking back that's all."

'That doesn't make sense.' They all thought

"So, you're the one who beaten up my men at my own castle." Giyuu confront the man

"Like I said, I haven't."

"I heard a very different stories from them." Giyuu stare intently into his eyes

"By definition, beating someone up means using physical force to inflict damage. But I only used my words to do just that." Wan rebutted


"Did you insult them brother?" Tatsuo thinks he knows what happened

"What else am I supposed to do huh?" Wan walks off. "Crybaby."

As he said that out aloud, a few of the foot soldiers began to have tears seeping through their helmet. They all watched them trembling and legs shaking almost as if they were gonna collapse at any moment.

'Emotional damage?! Out of all things that could weaken a freaking soldier?!'

"Ehem, anyways. You can command your own armies your majesties." Wan nonchalantly said

Giyuu just ignores the part where he forced his soldiers to come here and went to do his job as a King. Tanjiro on the other hand was clueless pretty much as he wasn't taught yet on how to command an army. He stood there motionless as the men in front of him was perfectly lined up ready for his commands.

"I, um." Tanjiro was baffled

"You can do this Onii chan." Nezuko cheering for him

Tanjiro still does not have the courage to give commands to anybody. He looked to his side and saw Giyuu handling his army like it was nothing. He watches and had a candle lit up in his mind. He walks over to Giyuu which was still busy discussing strategies with his men.

"Ano, Giyuu san." He called out

"What now kid? I'm busy here." Giyuu harshly said

"I need your help."

"What kind of help?"

"I don't know how to command my army." Tanjiro admitted

"You were soon to become a king and yet you don't know how to order your men. That sounds pathetic." Giyuu looked at him

"I know. But a lot of things had happened and I'm still learning as I go along here."

"Look, I want to help you but you're on your own on this one. These people are your men ready to fight with their life for their Kingdom. And they need a leader to lead them." Giyuu put his hand on his shoulder

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