Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: The Gemstone

"It has begun."

Meanwhile, back in the safety of the Diamond Kingdom, a few people shelters inside one of the many similarly looking houses disguising as one of the residents.

"What are you looking at?" One of the refugees asked a young man

"I'm looking at the war that was happening." The young man replied

"You're holding a piece of blank papers. How are you seeing thing?"

"Yushiro." A (not so) young adult intervene

"This is my magic. I can turn any paper into anything I want. For instance, I had one tied onto one of the crows and now I can see it flying over everything." The young man calmly explains

"With a piece of paper?"

"I can also make any animals using these papers."

The young man, Kiriya Ubuyashiki took over his father's position as the ruler of the Kingdom. Beside him were stacks upon stacks of papers all of which he would used to relay information.

"This is not good. They can't defeat them." Kiriya has a worried look on his face

"Of course! Demons can't die like you humans do." Douma blurted out loud

"Crap. This is not gonna end well then." Yushiro cursed

"Wait, there's a bright light. Is it, daytime?" Kiriya looked surprised

"Daytime?" All of them were confused

"The demons, they're burning. Is this really the sun doing this?"

Wanting to find the source, Kiriya orders the crow to fly just above the soldiers looking for the source. Not long after, he sees the person that casted the magic. But he doesn't look calm anymore.

"Oh no. No no nononononono." He panicked

"What, what's with the oh no's?"

"The Mother's gemstone! Why is it here?!"

"A gemstone? What's so important about it?" Saisho asked the troubled man

"That gemstone is what grants every person to have magic. If destroyed, we will all lose our magic. What's worse is it can grant a person that touches it any magic that they want." Kiriya quickly explains

"If that man gets a hold of it, then we will all be in trouble then." Yushiro stood up. "Come on Saisho!"

"Yeah! Lets go and protect the gemstone!" Saisho yelled

"Be careful. You're both still a demon. Make sure you don't get yourself killed." Kiriya reminded them

"Please be safe, Yushiro, Saisho." Tamayo looked at both of them

"We will not disappoint you!"












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