Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: A fatal consequences

"The job is done master."

"Oh really? Is it though?"

"Oh yes. I've seen it with my own eyes."

"I see. Is he dead?"

"I saw him buried under the rubbles master."

"That doesn't mean that he's dead, does it?! Go back! And make sure to finish the job, properly this time."

"Hai, as you wished master."





















Its been three days since the attack at the castle had happened. The Sun Kingdom is in shambles as the queen neglected her own duty in order to take care of her son. But, even if she doesn't want to, she has a kingdom to run. The prince hasn't woke up ever since it happened. The other two kingdoms were also on lockdown as they shut their gate from any outsiders. Wan is currently busy running the castle as he wanders around fixing everything that was damaged.

'Tanjiro sama is still in bed. His wounds were treated right away and he will survive. Right now, I need to check on him to see if he had woken up yet.'

He went to the room where Tanjiro is located at. He knocked and slowly opened the door. He finds the redhead still in bed with only his chest going up and down signifying that he's still breathing.

'Still hasn't wake up.'

He went around the room and saw that his desk was a bit of a mess. He quickly cleans it up and arranges his papers in neat stack. He then went to his bed side to look at him closely.

'He suffered a broken rib, it was a miracle that the rubble didn't injure him more than it did.'

He looked down and he saw something sticking out underneath the bedframes. He crouched down to take a closer look.

'A piece of paper. There seems to be a secret compartment here.'

He pushed the wooden frame and a concealed door hidden so well open up. He looked inside and found a bunch of papers not properly stacked and was a bit crunched together. He pulls out the biggest paper and it turns out to be a map of some sort.

"So this is what you've been doing." Wan studies them further

He looked at the strings and attached evidence of the Prince's handwritings. He quickly studies it before storing them back into the compartment.

"You are already wary of those peoples way before than we do. And yet you let yourself get hurt for others. Just like what your father would do." Wan said before leaving the room

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