Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: The snow Kingdom

Alright, everything is here. The plots. Right good. This should work.

Oh hello there. If you've been wondering of what happened before, just forget it. Its me, your author with a big bump on my head after getting hit by a metal pan.

Anyway ehem, lets begin the story.





















Winding back the clock a little, at the Spade Kingdom, people are running and panicking as their house weren't burned down like the other Kingdoms. Instead, the invaders literally just shot anyone dead in their sight. While the chaos ensues outside, inside the castle walls, the cold weather seems to have gone inside as well. Ice can be seen forming on the walls and spikes out of the floor. Statues of frozen people scattered throughout the whole castle floor. One single man stood in between the intruder and the two only royal family left in the kingdom.

"Would you look at that. A man protecting some pretty girls behind him." The figure spoke

"You dare take one step closer, I will do whatever it takes to keep them safe."

"Tatsuo kun. Be careful." One of the women spoke

"Oh, so your name is Tatsuo huh? Well then Tatsuo kun, I have no business for you right now." The figure smiled. "Maybe you should be frozen just like the rest."

The tall man uses his fan to blow some cold air towards them. Tatsuo sees the danger and responded by using vines as a shield. Immediately upon first contact, the vines froze and it spreads quite far.

"Impressive, you seems to be more capable than the rest."

"Who are you? Why are you invading this Kingdom?" Tatsuo questions

"Well, at first I was gonna kill every single one of you. That was until I see those two." The man licks his lips showing his true fangs. "Tell you what, I will let you live if you gave up those two women behind you."

"What are you, a pervert?!" The queen yelled

"I see. If I give you these two, you will stop killing everyone?"

"Tatsuo kun?!" Both women was shocked

"Precisely! So, are you smart man or a dumb person?" The figure tilts his head with a wide grin

"The definition of smart is a person having or showing a quick-witted intelligence. I'm indeed a smart person as I'm not dumb enough to give them to you sir." Tatsuo took a stance

"Elemental magic: Elemental fusion."

Tatsuo creates five types of tentacles from all five common branch. Water, flame, wind, stone and thunder. All of them branches out of him on his back.

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