Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Foreign entries

The very next day, the redhead woke up in his bed and immediately went to get dressed. Even the maids who were bringing him his breakfast were surprised to see him up so early. He ignored his breakfast and head straight out to search for answers.

'Okaa chan's room should be around here.'

Once again, he relies on the ring in his finger to guide him towards the room he was looking for. Then, he finally arrives at where he needs to be. He gently knock on it to let the person inside know.

"Come in."

"Okaa san?" The redhead poke his head through

"Oh Tanjiro. Yes, come in."

He sees her mother is busy as usual. Her desk is filled with stacks upon stacks of paperwork. Who says running a Kingdom would be easy? He went to a chair that was right next to hers. She continues on to sign off some more documents.

"So, I heard that you decided to be a king even without a wife to accompany you." She nonchalantly said

"Hai, I wanted to help lessen your burden as soon as possible." Tanjiro look up at her

"Just you being here with me is more than enough my handsome prince." She smiled

"Um, mother, can I ask you about something?"

"What is it?"

"Do we have a magic of our own?"

Kie suddenly dropped her brush when she heard the magic word. Not please, not help, it was magic. She turned around to face her son thay was clearly confused by her behaviour.

"Where did you heard about that?" She questions him

"Um, by doing my own research?" Tanjiro tries to shrug it off

"Look, I know you would known about it sooner or later. But this is way way too soon." Kie trailed off. "Or maybe a bit too late."

"Mother? Is there something wrong?"

"Tanjiro, follow me."

Kie got up from her desk abandoning her tasks and Tanjiro follows right behind her. They both exits the room and quickly walk down the hallway they always use everyday, until they reached to a door Tanjiro had never seen before.

"Where are we going mother?"

"Just follow me Tanjiro."

Kie looked around as if to check nobody was around. And indeed nobody was and she dragged Tanjiro into the dark room.

"Its dark!"

"Calm down Tanjiro."

Then, he heard a snap of a finger and the room were lit up with fire all around the room. The room was massive with high ceiling and large space around what looks to be a table in the center. He followed Kie until they were right in front of the table with an old dusty book on top.

"What is this book?" Tanjiro asked his mother

"Tanjiro, this is something that your father should have shown you when you grew older. But he never got the chance." She blew the dusts off the book. "This is where our family learns their magic."

She flipped open the book and there's a lot of spells and descriptions written in it. Tanjiro had his eyes widens when he sees them. But somehow he had seen some of them before.

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