Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: The silent flower

"Give it up boy. You never be able to defeat me."

"Stop being so f*cking condescending! Just go and lay down already!"

"Maybe you should instead, six feet under the ground."

In the middle of the four kingdoms, the fight between the Sun magic user and the Ice magic user is going off like a firework. Ice fragments falls from heights that could easily kill a person and fireballs shot in random direction starts a fire wherever it lands. Not a single moment where things are not hectic in the cold night sky.

"We need to extinguish the fire!"

"Use the ice! Let them melt on top of the fire!"

"That won't work! We need water!"

"Water magic: Fire seeker."

As the ground troops are panicking about the fire, suddenly it was dealt with as water came shooting it like a sharpshooter. They look at the source of where it the water came from. To their surprise, its the entire royal family from the Spade Kingdom.

"Your majesty! You came back!" Nezuko was surprised

"What happened while I was gone?" Giyuu blankly asked

"The prince gone mad. That kid is trying to stop him. But he will lose if we don't help him!" Uzui quickly explains

"Giyuu dear. We're gonna help down here. You go help that man." Shinobu advised him

"Already on it dear. Tatsuo."

"Hai, sire!" Tatsuo quickly responded

"Keep the debris away from the people below got it?" He instructed

"You can count on me!"

Both Giyuu and Tatsuo ascend up into the dark night sky towards where the fighting occurs. Tatsuo stopped halfway up as Giyuu continues on ascending.

"Elemental magic: Multilayered canopy."

As he stood on top of his platform made from vines, more vines grew from it forming a webbing across the sky. He uses them to catch every single debris or projectile from hitting anyone down below. Meanwhile, the fight is still going on fiercely between the two men.

"Why can't you just die?!" The prince shouted

"Just chill the f*ck up man! You really need to cool down."

"Ice magic: Winter frost."

Saisho unleash a winter storm towards Tanjiro but immediately was broken when Tanjiro breathe out literal flame.

"You think you could cool down my nerves?" Tanjiro is getting pissed

"Sun magic: Solar radiation, heatwave."

"Oh shit!"

Tanjiro suddenly emits intense heat off of his body. Saisho quickly forms a wall of solid ice to ward off the heat from cooking him alive. But it won't hold long as the ice itself is melting gradually.

"Somebody help me!" He yelled

"Die!" Tanjiro shouted

"Water magic: Typhoon rage."

Suddenly, a heavy downpour occurs on both of them. The rain effectively cools Tanjiro off preventing anymore heat emitting from him. Saisho looks around to see a royal figure stood beside him.

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