Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: XXV

"Kanata, Kuina, I need some more papers."

"Hai, right away."

Meanwhile, back at the safe house within the Diamond Kingdom, a few figure can be seen roaming around inside one house carrying papers and sorting them for the young master to use. A woman sat there with her mind fascinated by the speed and efficiency this child shows. And there's also another figure sat right in the most remote corner in the room, far away from them and he was tied up.

'Hmm, it was so quiet over here. I'm bored out of my own mind.' He thought to himself


Suddenly, the sound of an instrument being played can be heard and a door appears underneath him. His eyes widens when he sees this and as soon as the door opens, he fell down and now he is outside in the woods. The door disappears above him and he stood right back up.

"Well, that was the most unpleasant experience I have ever experienced." He simply said

He somehow broke free of the vine he was binded in. He looked around and saw a slither of light in between the tree trunks. He walks towards it and he can hear the sound of people, mostly womens voices which he had a particular kink for it.

"Looks like I will be having some fun tonight." He joyfully said whilst licking his lip


Meanwhile, a tent lies in the middle of the forest clearings and inside of it was quite spacious. Enough to serve as a temporary treatment centre for the fallen soldiers. One of them was distinguishable from the others as he had a bright yellow hair. A girl in particular took a very deep interest with the man.

Nezuko: "Zenitsu san!"

Kanae: "Nezuko chan, don't worry. He's only exhausted that's all."

Shinobu: "What is happening out there?"

Kanae: "Demons. Strong ones, not far from here. Tatsuo kun and another man is fighting them."

Shinobu: "Where is Kanao? I thought she was with you."

Kanae: "She is- wait. Kanao?" *Starting to panic*

Nezuko: "Did she got left behind?"

Shinobu: "How did you lose her?!"

Kanae: "I thought she was right behind me."

???: "Kyaaahhh!!!!!"

Shinobu: "What was that?"

Kanae: "Is something wrong?"

???: "Oh? Didn't expect to meet you here."

All three: "?!?!?!?!"

???: "Kinda sad that you left me behind back there. But here I am."

Shinobu: "You! How did you?"

All three of their faces were lined with shock and disbelief. And so does the other women and some injured men in the vicinity. As they stared at the male with a very pale skin, almost reaching pure white and has the eyes coloured like a rainbow. His head were covered in red substance, whether it's blood or his hair nobody knows for sure. And in his hands were a body, a woman who was one of the nurses that was trying to treat the patients she had under her arms. Only to be slaughtered cruelly by this male figure. The smile plastered on this man's face is enough to make anyone feel the anger rising up within them.

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