Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: The quest begins

"Alright then, Kibō san."

In the dimly lit room, two figures are tied onto the chairs whilst they're being interrogated. Four womens surrounds them trying to struck a deal with them.

"Just why? What's the catch here?" Nezuko questions him

"We wanted to get out of here."


"For years, we've been serving that man. Over here, magic aren't exactly allowed. Only a handful few are given the permission to use it." Saisho briefly explains

"Such as the one who controls this place." Yushiro adds

"Is that a problem?" Aoi wonders

"Indeed it is. Because its her who controls the place and movement of everyone in here. She answers only directly to him."

"To whom?"

"We can't say." Yushiro simply said. "I told you this ain't gonna work."

"It will. Oh it will Yushiro."

"Right, why should we trust you? We could just go out through that door you know." Mitsuri pointed out

"Trust me, if you go out there like this, you four ain't gonna be alive after this." Yushiro warns him

"He who controls us, we can't escape from him. Not without your help." Saisho simply said

"That's the same thing, you just told us that."

"Look, the people here aren't normal humans. We are actually a creature called demons."

"Demons?!" They all shouted

"Its a forbidden spell. And he did it countless of time to us. We don't eat human food, we eat humans as our meal."

"You need to shut your mouth more Saisho. You're making it worst." Yushiro scolds him

"Then why don't you tell them yourselves?"

"Alright, explain."

"Yes, we demons eat humans. But us both only needs a small amount of blood." Yushiro corrects him

"And does that makes it that you're good? I don't think so." Aoi said

"Alright, here's the deal. We help you escape and in turn you take us with you back." Yushiro spits out the offer


"Off this misery island."

"Why? Why do you want to abandon your own kingdom?" Nezuko asked

"We see him as a monster, trying to convince the others was no use. Many demons are worshipping him as god giving them immortality. That was the only thing I hate about it." Saisho blurted out

"Careful with your wording there. You really are pushing to the edge." Yushiro reminded him

"Damn these curse." Saisho curses

"What curse?"

"This is where we shut up." Yushiro looked at the distressed man. "So, do we have a deal?"

".......Give us a moment."

The four women hurdles together in the dark corner leaving the two men wondering what were they talking about. It seems serious from their point of view. After a moment had passed, they came back with Nezuko leading the group.

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