Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Nightfall

At the Diamond Kingdom still, preparations for the night had been completed and now thousands of soldiers and cavalrymen are ready to travel towards the coast where lies the forbidden island. Both Tanjiro and Giyuu are at the very front as they lead their own men into the battlefield facing an entirely different race. Not long after their departure, they were joined by yet another army coming straight from the Heart Kingdom. Riding beside Giyuu and Tanjiro was the ruler of the kingdom and the three kingdom is together at last.

"Glad you could join." Giyuu simply said to him

"You wouldn't think I would hesitate on helping you aren't you?" Obanai asked them

"Probably. It's somewhere up there." Giyuu replied

"That doesn't matter. What matters now is that all three of us are now joining forces." Tanjiro said to them both

The night was near. They could tell. The sky is turning red and soldiers are all lined up from one end of the coast to the other covering the whole area. But, they aren't done yet.

"Deploy the divers! We're moving out!" Someone yelled out loud

"Divers? What for?" Tanjiro was curious

"They have no other way of coming here other than by boats. So we're trapping the open waters hoping to blow them up first." Wan explains

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"This is a war. There's no such things as dangerous. Only foolish actions." Giyuu coldly said

"Don't worry your majesty. Theses explosive ain't gonna blow them sky high." Wan reassures the prince

"I guess so."

"In the meantime, I suggest for you to get yourself some armour." Wan suggested

"Hai Wan san."

Tanjiro left the two men alone for the time being. Things were sulent in between them as they stare far into the horizon. After a while, one of them spoke.

"Good talk." Wan walk off

'Damn he's good.' Giyuu thought

"We're done planting the explosive your majesty!" One of the crew member spoke

"Good. Now get ready for the invasion." Giyuu ordered


"So what's the plan?" Someone else came into view

"Since you missed the entire briefing back at the Diamond Kingdom, we are preparing to counterattack any enemies that dare step one foot into this land." Giyuu briefed

"That's it?" Obanai looked at him weirdly

"We literally had only the entire day to prepare. Lets hope these mens are up for it."

"You don't have to worry about them. Instead, worry about that kid." Obanai blurted

"The kid?" Giyuu looked back and saw Tanjiro waving at him. "He's gonna be alright. And who knows, maybe he will be just like his father."

"I doubt that."

"Doubt nothing my friend. I'm confident in his ability. No matter what."





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