四十五 | Do you realise whom you have just hurt?

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Once Itachi and Kisame finished surveying the terrain, they made their way back to the hideout with no more idling to escape the storm

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Once Itachi and Kisame finished surveying the terrain, they made their way back to the hideout with no more idling to escape the storm.

And ever since their return, the following week, Itachi seemed to have gone back to being secluded, probably reflecting on what had happened on their trip. Kuina, too, knew she should do the same.

A week had passed by since they returned to the hideout, and apart from Itachi's absence, Kuina also had been noticing the strange gazes Hidan had given her left and right, as if he wanted to say something, but didn't have the courage to. Either way, she tried her best to escape his sight.

It wasn't until one evening when Kisame suddenly approached her, telling her that Hidan wanted to talk with her, that she knew she could no longer avoid him.

"What does he want to talk to me about?" She questioned Kisame, hesitation rich in her voice.

"I don't know, Kuina-chan. He told me he needed to be frank with you and get something off his mind. He seemed frustrated when he told me so too."

"If he's frustrated, then I don't think I should talk with him," she muttered, shaking her head.

Kisame let out a sigh. "I know, I know. But he also told me that he's going to be leaving for a big fight with some Leaf Shinobi tomorrow. Apparently, he accidentally killed one of their Sensei and now he must fight them. He told me he needed to talk to you before he leaves. He even dramatically said he might not make it back - alarming, coming from a narcissistic and confident bastard like him. . ." Kisame trailed off once he caught Kuina's expression. He furrowed his brows, worries filling his eyes. "What's wrong, Kuina-chan, why do you look so sad all of the sudden?"

She gulped, her face turning completely pale. A bleak and solemn feeling filled her at Kisame's words. "Then, I'll talk with him," she uttered defeatedly.

Kisame nodded slowly. "Well, alright then. But just be careful, Hidan's temper is volatile . . . He's waiting for you at the back of the hideout."

Kuina nodded as she turned away and headed towards the back of the hideout. Even though she felt rather uneasy approaching Hidan, she knew that giving in to his request to talk with her was the least she could do for him at that point.

Pacing under the shade of the trees was Hidan. He looked completely agitated as he trotted back and forth, deep in thoughts.

Kuina swallowed down her uneasiness as she strode over to him, her whole body stiff and afraid. "Hidan," she called him as she stopped a few paces away from him. "You wanted to talk to me?"

Hidan stood with his back to her, his face dark and his fists clenched. "Yes, Kuina, I need to talk to you. I think it is finally the time I stop being a coward and come clean with you." He took a deep breath before he cleared his throat. "You see, Kuina, I will be out to fight some tough dudes tomorrow, and I don't know the outcome of the battle. I thought then that it is only right that I be a responsible man and confess to you my feelings before it's too late."

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