二十四 | Don't make me have to worry for you again

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prevailing destiny

Itachi's confident steps grew hesitant the further he advanced into the room

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Itachi's confident steps grew hesitant the further he advanced into the room. He was afraid of something; a bleak feeling filled him, making his breathing laboured.

And he knew this feeling far too well: it was the fear of loss. But his heart was numbed, and he had detached himself from everyone in this world. It made no sense that he would be afraid of losing her when she was not his to lose.

But once he stepped into the cell where moonlight kindled the room, his heart sank. Fear, anger, and all different kinds of emotion he was never capable of feeling deluged in him.

From where he stood, he could see the Fragrance standing on her tiptoes in the middle of the dungeon, her arms spread to the side, chained to the ceiling with heavy chains. Her nightgown was stripped almost bare, her skin was pale like a corpse. Several thick needles were sticking out of her back, and behind her, Kabuto stood there, performing some kind of medical ritual.

Kabuto instantly tensed up once he sensed Itachi's presence. Panic filled him as his Chakra flow broke from the ritual and he stepped back. "H-How did you? Where is Lord Orochimaru?"

Itachi grimanced as murder filled his cold eyes. "Is she dead?" His voice scraped out of his throat, his mouth feeling dry.

Kabuto scrambled back until his back hit against the concrete wall. He brought his hand up to fix the glasses on his nose bridge. "U-Uh well, about that. . ." he trailed off and gulped, unable to articulate a response.

Itachi stopped where the Fragrance was chained up. He scanned over the state that she was in, and his face darkened.

Her hair was plastered over her face, so he couldn't grasp over her expression. But even then it was clear that she was in pain. She had always been very frail, but chained up and tortured, she now looked no different from a broken doll.

His hand shook as he reached out to feel her breathing. A relieved sigh left him when he could still feel her warm breath against his finger. Reassured that she was alive, he snapped his icy gaze towards Kabuto. "Release her," he spoke, his voice resonating with a command.

Kabuto, well aware that he was no match against Itachi, grabbed out the key for the handcuffs and threw it on the ground by Itachi's feet.

Itachi crouched down and grabbed it. His eyes filled with a subtle pain which he forcefully pushed back within his cold masquerade. He fiddled with the lock until it clicked open. Carefully, he took off the cuffs, his hands subtly grazing over the deep laceration by her wrists, earning several winces from her.

Once he took off both the handcuffs that restrained her in place, her body instantly collapsed down onto him, pulling them both to the ground. He held her tensely, afraid that if he moved at the slightest, she would crumble apart.

FRAGRANCE | u. itachiWhere stories live. Discover now