六十二 | I just wish we could truly be together

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fleeting forever

Kuina didn't know how long she stayed in Itachi's arms but when she gained back her senses again, she was hit with full-on embarrassment, realising the mess she had made in his kitchen

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Kuina didn't know how long she stayed in Itachi's arms but when she gained back her senses again, she was hit with full-on embarrassment, realising the mess she had made in his kitchen.

She was flustered and distressed as she didn't meant for it to happen but she really just couldn't control it. Itachi, however, seemed to be in a completely good mood and told her that it was alright and that it was normal: that he meant for it to happen and that she did really well. So, she felt slightly relieved.

Afterwards, he helped clean her up and urged her to sleep. Kuina wanted to protest as she could tell that he was still completely constrained but she was really exhausted and worn out. And once he tucked her to bed, she instantly felt so sleepy that she couldn't argue with him anymore.

And only then, as she lay down to sleep in isolation, did it finally dawned on her what they had just did. She felt a certain giddiness swelled in her heart, and she wanted to squeal out in childish happiness. But at the same, as she lay there in the darkness, a sudden fear also filled her.

She suddenly came to realise that what they did that night was another step in their relationship, but at the same time, another step into the deep pit of love that held inevitable consequences. The deeper they both loved, the deeper the pain that would follow suit, for she knew very well what scary future laid ahead.

Even if she wanted to lie to herself, she had learnt and knew well that what was fated could never be changed. Just like how Sasori, Hidan and Kakuzu passed, she could never change someone's fate.

So, she had come to accept it, the fate that Itachi would soon face.

At that moment, she thought that it would be alright. Even if their relationship would be short-lived, she knew what she wanted and what she had to do. She just wanted to make him happy, so he could live until his death experiencing only happiness. That was the only reason she was willing to live, the only reason she was willing to be the cause of war.

She knew that after he left, she would be hurt and sad, but while he lived, she would not show it. She would make him rest assured that she would be okay after he left even though she knew with all heart that she wouldn't be okay. She didn't even know how she would live without him. Ever since he had given her a second chance at life, he had already became her everything. And at that moment, she was really scared.

She curled up in her bed with heavy heart, as she tried her best not to think about it and forced herself to drift off to sleep, haunted by nightmares of the impending future.

The next day was the Winter Festival, and her foul thoughts from last night left her as she instead decided to focus on the happy present and thought no more of the dark future.

Itachi bought her a festive Kimono, and much to her urging and his own discontentment, he gave in to wearing a Yukata.

He seemed very unwilling to wear one as they walked along the streets towards a festival at a town nearby.

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