五十六 | Can't you tell me your heart too?

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if the rain never stops

The Fragrance let out a soft sigh, as she rested her chin against her knees and bit onto her lips

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The Fragrance let out a soft sigh, as she rested her chin against her knees and bit onto her lips. Her wet hair fell over her face as she shivered, probably beginning to get cold from being exposed in her bare skin. The fire was barely helping them keep warm within the terribly insulated hut.

She did not look at him as she stared down at the ground, before lowering her voice and shattering the silence. "It's so cold. Can't you make the fire burn more?"

Itachi scanned the hut before he shook his head. "I can't risk burning down the hut."

She frowned as she nodded. "Okay."

At the despairing tone in her voice, Itachi's brows furrowed. And seeing the way she hugged onto herself, trembling from the cold, his gaze grew soft instantly as his voice scraped out of his throat, almost unconsciously. "Move closer." his words left his lips, almost surprising himself. He clenched his jaw before looking away from her and cleared his throat. "If you're cold," he added.

She looked up at him, slightly surprised at his words. Her eyes were weary but she managed to give him a small smile and took on his offer as she shuffled closer, but still leaving a gap between them.

He looked at her and then at the gap, and for some reason, unsatisfied. "Better?" he questioned.

At his words, she looked up at him as she pressed her lips into a thin line, her eyes telling that she wanted something more, but she didn't dare say it. Perhaps because for the longest time, he had always emphasised their boundaries.

He took a deep breath. "Still cold?"

At that, she nodded.

"Come closer then," he muttered, without looking at her.

She looked slightly hesitant but before long, she shuffled closer to him until their shoulders grazed each other. He tensed up slightly but said nothing.

She pressed her lips into a smile before she glanced up at him, watching his broadening expression as if she were trying to read him. His brows furrowed, feeling it hard to keep his expression still with her pressing gaze on him. At last, unable to remain composed, he returned her gaze.

He expected her to shy away like she normally would, but that night, she stared straight back at him. Her eyes, sparkling like stars, melted into his dark night like the milky way above, almost seeing into his soul. His breath grew sharp instantly as he remained completely still, almost in a trance.

"I'm still cold," she said at last, her words and gaze were almost sultry. And before he could respond, she shuffled even closer, her bust almost pressing up against his arms.

His mind went blank instantly, taken completely aback. Something in her words, her actions, and her very presence that night felt dangerously sweet like a poison, completely paralysing him. She seemed to mouth something to him, but he could no longer hear her.

FRAGRANCE | u. itachiWhere stories live. Discover now