二十九 | Trust me

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the deal

After that day, Kuina didn't see Itachi much at all, and they conversed even less than before

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After that day, Kuina didn't see Itachi much at all, and they conversed even less than before. He mostly stayed in his room next door and only appeared to check up on her wounds from time to time and when she woke up with a scream from her post-trauma nightmares.

It seemed he was trying to distance himself from her, which Kuina didn't mind. In fact, she thought it was good this way as his presence would always make her feel absurd things.

It was almost a week before she was physically and mentally well enough to travel. Right on the very day she told Itachi she was feeling better, he declared they were going to travel back to the hideout. She didn't protest, seeing as Itachi was utterly disinterested in keeping a bedridden girl company any longer.

It was night before they arrived back at the hideout. Strangely, it felt as if she had returned to her haven once more - to a home where she was safe from all harm. That was how she felt until she realised that something was rather odd in the hideout.

When she approached the living room, following behind Itachi, every member of the Akatsuki was present. They sat still, their faces filled with anxiety. Even Deidara and Hidan who were usually full of life were drained of spirit. The atmosphere was so thick with tension that Kuina found it hard to breathe.

She soon realised that the cause of such tension was the presence of the two unfamiliar people in the room. It didn't take her long to recognise them, and her eyes popped wide as she immediately cowered behind Itachi.

One of them was a man, pale like a corpse, with several piercings distortedly sticking out of his skin. She had no doubt he was Pein or, as the members would address, Leader-sama. Standing beside Pein was a woman whom Kuina instantly recognised as Konan.

Pein looked over at Kuina with his inhumane-looking eyes. An intimidating frown etched across his face before he averted his gaze up to face Itachi. "I see," he said, his voice deep and rumbling out of his throat, making the Akatsuki members shed sweat. "Unlike these careless bunch of fools, I expected as much from you, Itachi. As always you are meticulous in your duty and brought the Fragrance back from Orochimaru's captivity while these imprudent lots idle around. It is indeed rare to find a talented man with wisdom such as yourself."

Itachi's expression remained unchanged. "Do not flatter me, Leader-sama."

"I only speak of the truths," Pein stated before he turned to the terrified members on the couch. "Alright then, since the Fragrance has been retrieved, I will not hold your recklessness against you all. You should thank Uchiha Itachi that you all are dismissed in one piece."

The members said nothing as they all quickly shot up from their seats and rushed back to their rooms, not wanting to be in the presence of their leader any longer.

Once they all disappeared out of the living area, Pein looked up at Itachi. "You have done an excellent job, you are dismissed for now. Konan and I would like to talk with Fragrance. Please let her talk with us for a second."

Itachi nodded as he glanced at Kuina. She shook her head tensely, as she grabbed onto the edge of his sleeve, hiding behind him, utterly afraid of Pein. She tugged at him, trying to signal him not to leave her alone with the Leader.

He only sighed as he turned to her. "Just do as the Leader says," he mumbled softly, and seeing the fear in her eyes, he subtly placed his hand on her head. "Trust me." He ruffled her hair and walked past her, down the corridor, without another glance.

Kuina gulped as she looked up at Pein who stood by Konan. He gestured to her to sit on the couch, and she obediently complied.

Pein stared down at her with his horrendous Rinnegans. "Well then, I welcome you back to the Akatsuki. I am Pein, the leader of this organisation."

Kuina shrunk into the couch, her whole body rigid. "Hi," she gave him a nervous smile.

Pein kept his straight frown as he continued, "As you should know, I have ordered the Akatsuki to take good care of you because I value your ability as the Fragrance. It is unfortunate that the Kaori Clan decided to annihilate their bloodline in that way, but it is to our luck that you survived. Since you are such a rare kind who possesses a power unlike others, I would like to negotiate terms with you."

Kuina swallowed as she fidgeted with her fingers. "Sure," she said as she lowered her voice. "As long as you don't extract my brain. . ."

Pein's brows raised slightly at her compliance. "Very well. I will not give you much intel as you are an outsider, and Uchiha Madara himself condemned letting weaklings know of his plans," he clarified before he turned to Konan, signaling her to do her part.

Konan nodded and grabbed out a casket before trotting over to Kuina. Her expression was dull as she handed her the casket.

Kuina nodded a thank you as she received it, not knowing what it was.

Pein looked at her as if to observe her expression and continued, "I believe that in order for you to see a person's future, you must touch a person's hand, correct?"

She nodded again.

"In this casket is a fragment that could act in place of a hand. Touch it, analyse it, and transcribe a report of the person's future. I will have Itachi deliver that report to me by letter, and you can interchangeably await my next instruction. Will you be able to fulfill that?"

She swallowed down her fear as she dared herself to look up at the intimidating figure of Pein. "I can do that," she said quietly before her eyes dropped back to the wooden casket.

"Very well. I am glad you are compliant; it saved me from using force. If you cooperate well, the victory your foreseeing will give will bring the world peace. Everyone will no longer seek to kill you as they will be trapped forever in their own fantasies. So do not worry, as long as you do this job well, I will promise you your safety. With the Akatsuki to guard you, you will not be harmed by the raging Shinobi world." He took a step forward and shadowed her with his overbearing figure. "Now, tell me, Fragrance, are you willing to commit to this?"

Kuina gulped, knowing there was only one choice and that was yes. So, she nodded to save herself. "Alright. As long as you guarantee my safety, I'll do it."



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