六十四 | Touch me, I don't mind

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Kuina felt her world spin and every noise sounded like a buzz in her ears as she supported Itachi to lay down on his bed

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Kuina felt her world spin and every noise sounded like a buzz in her ears as she supported Itachi to lay down on his bed.

He really did not look okay. Even right then as she lay him down, he was coughing a fist.

He clutched onto his chest as he leaned back against the headboard of his bed, his brows furrowing, sweat lining his forehead. "Pills," he uttered as he gestured to his bedside drawers. "In the drawers," he demanded.

Her heart pounded as she nodded rapidly and pulled the drawers open. There was barely anything in the cupboard except rows of identical medicine bottles. Her breath trembled as she quickly grabbed one out and poured him a glass of water before handing them over to him.

He grimaced at her, and she watched as he took a worrying amount of pills out before popping them all into his mouth and gulping them down with water. And with that, he panted heavily as he lay back against the headboard, looking completely drained.

The room was dark, and the only source of light was the stark moonlight from the window lattice. But even then, she could clearly see the lines of pain flawing his perfect complexion. His eyes were completely bloodshot, his sclera a diluted red and draped within his loose black Yukata, his fair skin looked almost sickly ashen.

Kuina had rarely ever seen him so beaten and so vulnerable; he was always so strong and he was always like a pillar that she could lean on. So, seeing him like this, her heart felt pierced with hurt.

She knew that even if he were sick, if he had fought meticulously and took his time, he wouldn't have to pull out any Jutsu that would harm his health. But the fight just then had taken less than a few minutes. He did not make a single movement, and worse, not a single drop of the enemies' blood tainted them both.

He was hasty, and he clearly overused his eyes to make the fight clean and fast.

As much as she knew she shouldn't put any blame on him, a sense of frustration filled her because he was hasty when he didn't need to be. It was as if he didn't care for his own life at all, and only hers - as if he thought it would make her any happy to be protected and cosseted at the expense of his life. If she had known this would be the case, then she would rather be captured for her brain or die under his blade at the hibiscus mountain that day.

Hot tears surged to her eyes as she blinked them down. "Why are you so stupid?" she breathed out sharply before she slumped down at the edge of his bed, no longer having the strength to stand.

She sniffled as she wiped her arms over her eyes, knowing she shouldn't take out her frustration on him but she just didn't know how else to channel it.

"I told you not to overuse your red eyes, over and over and over," she uttered out through her sniffle. "But you never listen to me. You don't care about my words at all. I know it's because of me that you were hasty, you didn't want me to be upset. But you know I will be more upset if anything happens to you, right? You know I would rather see everyone die, and I would rather die, than seeing anything happen to you, right?"

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