四十一 | take it off

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the depth of the hearts

Itachi sat down on the balcony that was situated in front of a private hotspring of their rented room

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Itachi sat down on the balcony that was situated in front of a private hotspring of their rented room. He gazed out meanderingly into the yearning milky way distances away, deep in thought.

Kuina stood a few paces behind him, panting heavily. After Kisame had left her all alone with Itachi, he had spared no glance at her and walked straight into their rented room so fast, she could barely catch up.

She inhaled heavily to catch her breath before she lifted her gaze up at him. From the look on his demeanor, it seemed he was still in a dejected mood. She let out a soft and weary sigh, knowing that at this rate, she would freeze to death from his cold shoulder.

With that, she hesitantly trudged up to his side. He didn't spare her a glance, despite evidently sensing her presence, as he kept his gaze ahead. The silver moonlight softly grazed his fair skin and she trailed her eyes over his long lashes, down his perfect nose bridge, before settling on his lips. Something about his brooding look was mesmerising as she stood frozen on the spot.

It wasn't until he glanced at her with his unyielding dark eyes that she was jolted out of her thoughts. She looked away instantly, her brows furrowing. Hesitantly, she took a seat on the balcony, making sure to leave a large gap between them.

The silence engulfed them as Kuina allowed herself to glance over at him. Her fists curled against the cold wooden plank as she tried to find her voice to speak. "Itachi," she called him at last, her voice cracking and weak. "Did I do something wrong?"

He didn't look at her as he kept his gaze up at the sky.

Her voice sunk into the silence and a frown etched over her lips. With all her courage, she forced herself through her fear of his temper and inched a tiny bit closer to him. She reached out for him and poked him lightly on the arm with her finger. "Itachi," she called him again. "Don't be mad anymore, okay?"

He gave no reply as he shot his gaze down at her finger on him. She pressed her lips into a thin line as she quickly pulled it away from him.

She let out a soft sigh as she leaned back on her arms. "I know I was wrong for keeping you waiting this morning," she muttered as she shook her head. "But now you're just being mad for no reason."

Itachi clenched his jaw as he lowered his gaze to stare down at the steaming hot spring. "I am not mad," his voice ground out, speaking to her for the first time that day.

She snapped her gaze up at him, delighted that he would finally talk to her. But then, her lips fell back into a frown when she caught how his expression had turned even more grim than before, almost as if he were truly upset.

She furrowed her brows. "You clearly are mad. . ."

"No," he mumbled under his breath, his words almost inaudible.

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