六十五 | Get on your knees

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To forget

Kuina snapped her gaze up at him

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Kuina snapped her gaze up at him. At first, she wanted to protest but then she paused as his words sunk into her brain.

She knew then that he was right. Even though she wished that they could stay out, just the two of them, for a few moments longer, the fight with the Anbu just then had shown them how much danger her existence would bring.

The hideout was ultimately the safest place she could be. Under the Akatsuki's protection, and the formidable Pein and Obito, Itachi would never have to spend his power to protect her and hurt himself again.

Her body slumped down as she nodded. "Okay."

Itachi looked at her, and he scanned her expression to make sure she really was okay with it. He sighed softly before he beckoned her closer to him and she complied.

He reached out for her and softly grazed his thumb over the crease of her brows as if he were trying to console her. "I know, Kuina, I know what you must be thinking. It is indeed a little sad that we ended up running into a fight, and the trip didn't go the way that we had initially wanted it. . ."

She probed her head up at him as she shook her head. "It's not our fault. It's the Anbu's fault."

At her words, his gaze lightened slightly. "Right, luckily I have put an end to them all already."

She pressed her lips into a thin line, her brows furrowed at his unhinged remark. "Y-Yeah. . ."

Itachi pulled away as he leaned back and let out a soft breath, "You know, Kuina, sometimes, I just wish I could forget about everything - about the world, about my past and future, and about the duty that I am a vessel to. . . Just like you, I just wish we could stay here, in this house, together, never having to return to face the reality. . ." he trailed off, and then he looked like he wanted to laugh at himself.

Kuina remained silent at his words, her heart feeling too heavy in her chest to move or to utter a single sound of reply.

Itachi shook his head. "It's really pathetic, isn't it? When I know well that humans cannot simply force their mind to forget. No matter what, I would always be haunted by my past and tied down by my values, whether I want it or not," he let out a soft sigh. "It's just . . . I'm really tired, Kuina. It just sounds so nice to forget. To have these heavy thoughts lifted off my mind, for even just a short moment, sounds so relieving. . ."

Kuina listened to him and she clenched her fists against her kimono, her gaze casted down, the lump in her throat rendered it difficult for her to find her voice.

Itachi seemed to notice her shift of expression and an apologetic look came over his eyes. "Sorry, I'm talking out of line, I must be making you sad again. . ."

Kuina quickly shook her head. "N-No, it's okay," she told him. "I also feel that way too, I just want to forget it all too. . .'' she trailed off as she felt herself starting to fall into her emotions, her eyes stinging with tears. She quickly rubbed her palms against her eyes, trying to shake it off, hating how sensitive she was.

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