十四 | Because I like you

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haven of hell

After that dreadful evening at Konoha, Kuina spent around three days resting at an inn

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After that dreadful evening at Konoha, Kuina spent around three days resting at an inn. Much to Itachi's disagreement, Kisame had insisted that both her and Itachi rest for a few days.

Her health had been replenished after she took the bitter food pill, and resting in solace for a few days really brought her back to life.

She also finally had the time to take a good shower and change into some fresh clothes, the clothes that Kisame had bought.

Admittedly, they were really cute clothes: pink and fluffy and suited the cold weather. Itachi, however, seemed to find Kisame's choice of purchase impractical and that the colour was rather laughable. But Kisame would brush him off, saying she was not a ninja, so there was no point in practical clothes, and she was a girl so she should look cute.

And after that, Kuina really thought, perhaps, Kisame was not that bad of a person after all. Perhaps, deep inside that hideous appearance, he was just as fluffy and cute as the clothes he had bought.

As for Itachi, however, Kuina did not even want to think about him. She had thought that out of the duo, from their pasts, Itachi might be a softer person than Kisame. But no, his softness must have died with his clan. That man was nothing but cold and emotionless, not a single warmth, cuteness or fluffiness, inside those dark, soulless eyes.

After she was healthy again, Kisame told her that they would be travelling to the Akatsuki hideout whereas she would meet the fellow Akatsuki members and be under the hands of Pein.

She was rather afraid of that, and the whole time they travelled to the hideout, she felt bleak and fearful.

Although she was terribly afraid of Itachi and felt heated in the face every time she came close to him, she did feel safe within his hospitality. She wouldn't want her captor to change so soon, but there was nothing she could do about it.

The walk to the hideout was tiring, and Kuina could barely keep up with the two men. Itachi taunted that at her pace, it might take a month to reach the hideout. In the end, he paid a wagon driver to carry them through the main road.

The sun had set by the time they arrived at the outskirts of an ominous-looking forest. They got off the wagon, and the two Akatsuki members led her into the depth of the forest. The night blanketed the sky, and only a pallor crescent moon was there to accompany them. The slithering path of the wood felt endless, but at long last, they arrived at a towering cave in a secluded area.

Itachi walked over to the entrance of the cave which was blocked off by a gigantic rock. He did a quick hand sign, and the ground below them rumbled. Kuina quickly grabbed onto Kisame's arm for balance as the rock slid to the side, making a gap for them to enter.

Once the shaking stopped, they advanced into the utter darkness. The rock closed up behind them, and Kuina jumped, trapped within an abyss.

She couldn't see anything at all inside that place, and she also was terrible at sensing presence. A barren feeling filled her as she walked within the void, straying in senseless directions until a hand grabbed onto her arm, pulling her over.

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