四十二 | I want you to show me

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ginger tea

Kuina breathed heavily as she fixed the loose bathrobe on her body

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Kuina breathed heavily as she fixed the loose bathrobe on her body. Every piece of her garment was wet, and she cursed at both herself and Itachi for her tragic fall into the hot spring. She closed her eyes, huffing, as she tried not to think about the past mortifying things that couldn't be fixed.

She sighed as she looked at the bathroom door, hesitant to exit the room. She knew that once she entered Itachi's presence once more, the tension from before would inevitably ensue. So, she hesitated, trying to figure out how she would behave in front of him.

For one thing, she knew she shouldn't feel anything unprofessional towards him. He wouldn't appreciate it nor would he reciprocate. In the worst case scenario, if she ever showed him how her heart had been easily swayed by him, it wasn't unlikely if he were to start distancing himself from her and calling her an overly sentimental and emotional, foolish Fragrance.

She let out a soft breath, praying that Kisame would return soon to save her. With that, she opened the door, her gaze lowered as she entered the warm bedroom.

Itachi was standing behind the kitchen counter that separated the bedroom from the kitchen, stirring at a cup of warm drink. A loose bathrobe gowned his masculine body as he stood regally, his expression calm. Once he sensed her presence, he tilted his head up to meet her eyes. But then before long, his gaze dropped to her body, and instantly, a dark look clouded his eyes.

Kuina flinched as she quickly held her arms out in front of herself. Her face grew warm, well aware that since all her clothes were wet, she was wearing absolutely nothing underneath.

She cleared her throat, trying to find her voice to say something to him. "What are you staring at?" she managed to say.

At her words, he instantly tore his gaze away. "Nothing."

Kuina took a deep breath as she scratched her neck, nodding. "Sure," she muttered as she looked down at the skimpy bathrobe that barely clung onto her form. The wide collar fully exposed her cleavage, and she held her arms over herself, suddenly feeling insecure.

She knew Itachi was a respectful man, but the thought of them being alone, dressed so inadequately, still unsettled her. And she blamed herself more than anyone else for always having the lewdest thought on her own.

Itachi looked at her, his brows slightly raised. "Relax, Fragrance," he remarked before he took a seat on a wooden kitchen stool and eyed the steaming cup on the counter. "Drink something warm, otherwise, you'll catch a cold."

She puffed her cheeks out as she hesitantly trudged behind the counter to where he sat. But before she could even reach him, she came to an abrupt stop, and her body entirely froze. Her sight landed on a clear view of Itachi sitting on the stool, and her breath hitched in her lungs.

He was glancing at her through his fallen strands of hair, his brows were slightly arched, and his head was subtly tilted. He sat, crossed-leg, the loose bathrobe barely draping on his broad shoulders, revealing his well-defined chest and the grooves of his toned abdomen underneath in full view.

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