十一 | I can always make you

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broken promises

After travelling through the dire woods, they arrived at Konoha, a village Kuina had studied to be one of the strongest within the land of Shinobi

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After travelling through the dire woods, they arrived at Konoha, a village Kuina had studied to be one of the strongest within the land of Shinobi.

Itachi put every Jonin guarding the gate to sleep with just a glance. They infiltrated the village with ease, and Itachi led them to a small apothecary in an isolated corner of the bustling street.

"Are you sure the doctor won't make a fuss about us, rogues?" Kisame asked as he scanned the small store.

"He could try to, but I have always done my job efficiently," Itachi stated vaguely before he looked up at Kisame. "Across this street will be a tailor shop. If you please, buy the Fragrance a new change." He eyed Kuina's clothes which were ripped in several places with a slight disdain before he cast his gaze away. "And don't make a fuss," he added.

Kisame looked her up and down before he snickered. "Alright then. It would be my first time shopping for women's clothes as part of my mission. Quite a change from my usual killing spree, but it's indeed amusing," he remarked as he cocked his head to the side. "What kind of clothes would you like, Kuina-chan?"

Kuina let go of her hold on Kisame as she tried to stand straight on her own. "I'm not picky," she replied.

Kisame nodded. "Very well. Don't worry, Kuina-chan, I know his taste. You'll like it for sure. Then, see ya!" He waved at them and before anyone could question him, he quickly trotted down the street without sparing another glance.

Itachi watched until Kisame had left and turned his attention back to the apothecary. He gestured to her to enter. Kuina looked hesitant before she followed his command.

Inside the apothecary was a dusty bed and shelves filled with jars of medicine. The smell of herbs suffocated her nose, causing her head to feel light.

Behind the counter, an old man with white beard and unbelievably short height was fiddling through a pile of old paper parchments. Once he saw them enter, he fixed his glasses on the bridge of his nose as he quickly strode over. "What can I help you with, Mr. and Mrs.?"

Itachi raised his brows as he opened his mouth to say something, but then he decided to leave it. He cleared his throat and gestured at Kuina. "Please treat her."

The old man nodded as he glanced at Kuina through his round glasses. "Of course." He hunched his back and walked over to her. With a force unlike his age, he pushed her to sit down on the bed. "Let's see . . . Hold out your hand and let me check your pulse, my dear."

Kuina hesitated but did as she was told. The old man placed his rough fingers on her pulse and pressed them into her skin. His brows furrowed and his eyes narrowed with deep concentration. A length of time passed by, and at long last, he nodded, finished with his diagnosis.

He stepped away from Kuina and brushed his hand together before peering up at Itachi. "There's nothing fatal you should worry about, mister."

Itachi simply nodded while Kuina, who had been holding in her breath, let out a sigh of relief.

FRAGRANCE | u. itachiWhere stories live. Discover now