四十三 | I can't turn a blind eye to it

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first and last time

After they had finished eating, Kisame quickly excused himself to use the hot spring in order to escape the tension that hung thick in the air

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After they had finished eating, Kisame quickly excused himself to use the hot spring in order to escape the tension that hung thick in the air.

The Fragrance couldn't even make eye contact with Itachi the whole time they ate their dinner, and once Kisame left, she instantly remarked that she would like to get some fresh air by the balcony. With that, he was left alone by himself at the dining table.

He let out a gruff sigh as he rubbed his hand over his forehead, cursing beneath his breath. He couldn't fathom what he had done. It was a spur moment of desire, a loss of self-restraint, completely drunken by her sweet fragrance.

He wanted to say that it was all a mistake, but he knew that would be a lie; he was conscious and they both knew what they were doing. He even instigated it. But at that time, the look in her eyes, the way she reacted to his touch, the way she wanted more - he was completely defeated.

He couldn't deny what he had done, for what he did indeed was a reflection of his very own thoughts - the thoughts that he feared to understand or to venture further.

No matter how reclusive he wanted to keep himself, in the end, he was a man. And fate just had to bestow him with such a sweet captive. Everything about her was simply sweet, her appearance, her words and intention, her heart, her fragrance, and if anything, he was tempted to find out if she would taste sweet too.


He clutched his forehead in his palm before he pushed himself to stand. Neatly fixing his gown, he stood up before making his way towards the balcony, knowing since it had come this far, he had to take the initiative to clear the situation he caused.

The Fragrance was standing there by the railing, looking out into the open night sky. Her brown hair swayed with the breeze as she hugged herself, deep in thoughts. Once she sensed him, she instantly flinched as she turned around to face him. There was nervousness in his eyes, but more than anything, her face instantly held a pink tint as she shyly looked away.

He cleared his throat as he too cast his gaze away from her. "Fragrance, I just want to apologise for–"

"No," she quickly interjected as she shook her head. "You don't need to apologise. I understand."

"Fragrance. . ."

She took a deep breath as she lowered her voice. "I was thinking it through just now . . . I know, I know you didn't mean it. You were just muddled for a second, so I won't take it to heart. I won't look for the meaning behind it or take it out of the context either, so don't worry."

At her words, a sigh parted his lips. "No, I am sorry. . ." he trailed off when she shook her head once again.

"It's not your fault. I . . . I didn't mind it. I-I led you on, it was also my fault," she breathed as she stared down at the ground, looking as if she were on the verge of tears.

FRAGRANCE | u. itachiWhere stories live. Discover now