三十六 | How about asking Uchiha Itachi?

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mortality of life

After that morning, Kuina hadn't interacted with Itachi since

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After that morning, Kuina hadn't interacted with Itachi since. Whenever she saw him around the hideout, he wouldn't greet her first, and when she did greet him, he would only nod at her dismissively. His indifference made Kuina feel as if he were trying to avoid her.

Hidan, on the other hand, as opposed to Itachi, seemed to have taken deep interest in her. At first, she didn't really mind him. He was friendly to her, and he was a funny and easy-going guy despite his psychopathic nature.

However, she began to feel rather uncomfortable when he started to flirt with her, flex his naked abdomen, and sprout pick-up lines. She was able to bear all of these, but what turned her off completely was the fact that whenever she was around him, he would always tell her how much burden and trouble she was bringing Itachi.

Kuina had never really fallen prey to people's nuance, but this time, she knew Hidan wasn't lying. Itachi had always said it himself and reminded her every moment he got of the trouble she was bringing him. After Hidan's repetitive insinuation, she was convinced that Itachi was currently avoiding her to escape the burden.

For some reason, instead of accepting it and giving Itachi his peace of mind like she normally would, she felt a strange urge to be stronger - to be independent enough to make him see that she was capable.

All her life, she might not be trained as a Shinobi, but her clan had Chakra running through the bloodline, capable enough to train to become one. Fueled with the lingering fact of the mortality of life - the fact that eventually everyone would die and no one would be there to protect her forever - she decided she would have to train to protect herself before that time came.

Kuina was well aware she could never do it by herself, so she decided to ask someone for assistance. The first person that came to mind was Kisame as she found most comfort with him.

That day, Kisame was sitting on the couch with Deidara, talking to Samehada, something that he often did in his leisure time. When he saw her, he gave her his toothy smile.

"Hey, Kuina-chan, you look refreshed, I can see," he said as he pat Samehada one last time and swung it across his shoulder. "I thought you'd never get over Sasori's death."

Deidara cleared his throat. "Stop it, why are you bringing up my man's death on such a good day. It'll depress all of us."

Kuina let out a soft sigh as she took a seat by Deidara. "I'm okay now," She looked up at them and pressed her lips into a smile. "Kisame, can I ask you for a favour?"

Kisame raised his brows. "Sure, I guess. What is it?"

"Well, I have been thinking for the past days that I can't always be a burden to you guys. I'd love to learn a little self-defense, could you teach me?"

Kisame's mouth gaped open as he pointed at himself. "Me?" He looked left and right and let out a weak laugh. "Kuina-chan, I'd really love to help you, but you see, I may be very friendly to you outside of combat. However, when it comes to fighting, my method is very . . . destructive. I can't have you learn my method. Besides, I fear I might accidentally kill you in the process." He looked at her sheepishly. "Why don't you ask someone who trained under a standard academy? You know, someone who knows how to fight like a typical Shinobi, and not a criminal."

Kuina sighed, already expecting the answer. "I see, don't worry, I understand," she stated and took a deep breath before she looked up at Deidara.

Deidara's eyes were sparkling with full anticipation for her to ask him. Kuina figured he would definitely help her, so her hope was lifted. "Deidara, can you help me please?"

Deidara's smile widened. "Of course, I would love to help you. I don't really know many standard techniques, but I'm pretty good at bombing. . ." He trailed off when he caught Kisame's gaze. And as if they communicated something with eye contact, Deidara grumbled beneath his breath as he leaned back against the couch. "Sorry, Kuina, I can't help you. My method, just like Kisame's, is really destructive. You should ask someone who can, you know, teach you conventional stuff. . ."

Just as Deidara finished his words, Hidan and Kakuzu approached the living room.

Before Kuina could move, Hidan spotted her and a psychopathic smile broke wide on his lips. "Hey, Kuina!" He waved at her with a wide smirk on his face. "Did I just hear Deidara say something about training you?"

Kuina gulped, discomfort flushing through her. She glanced at Hidan and Kakuzu, uncertain whether or not she should ask them due to their murderous nature. However, since both Deidara and Kisame had refused, she knew she had no choice but to ask them if she were truly desperate for guidance.

At long last, she gave Hidan a small nod. "Yeah. Deidara refuses to train me," She murmured before she forced out a smile. "So, I was wondering if you could teach me a few self-defense techniques?"

Hidan smiled as he licked his lips, a certain habit he always did when he was excited. "Of course, Kuina! I will teach you everything you need to know about the Lord Jashin! You'll be enlightened and you will never face danger again—"

Kakuzu scoffed, cutting Hidan short. "Hey, don't you even think of teaching the Fragrance; Leader-sama would forbid it. You'd turn her into a sacrifice before she even know what your stupid Jashin is."

Hidan gave Kakuzu a murderous glare as he crossed his arms. "You want to teach her, is that it, Kakuzu? Should have just said so, not demean my Lord Jashin!"

Kakuzu shook his head as he turned to Kuina. "No, I have no interest in training such a puny kid; in fact, I have no interest in training anyone in that matter," he said, his voice hoarse and forbidding. He looked up at her and chuckled at the look of fright on her face. "Well, how about asking Uchiha Itachi? That young man scored perfect in every proficiency test in his academy, while the rest of us failed at everything except for our specialties."

Kuina sighed heavily as she thought back to all of the lectures Itachi had ever given her. She looked down at her feet. "But Itachi is scary."

Kisame raised his brows. "Shouldn't you be thinking all of us are scarier than him? He's the most sane looking out of us."

"It's not about looks," she mumbled and lowered her voice into a whisper. "He's strict."

"Dear me, Fragrance. I don't think he was ever strict on you at all," Kakuzu laughed. "Well, then, take your chances with him if you truly are desperate for power."



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