二十 | Don't waste your energy, Fragrance

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within the coffin

二十within the coffin

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Last night.

The stillness of the night suffocated Kuina as she lay still on her bed within the confining darkness.

She couldn't sleep. Everytime she closed her eyes, a clear picture of Itachi's face would surface, causing her to snap them open once more.

She wasn't sure why he was haunting her mind so persistently, but after he hugged her - or rather, saved her from falling off the cliff - she just couldn't get her mind off him.

She wasn't angry at him anymore, only sadness remained that he forsook her care. But after she allowed herself to think it through, as much as it upset her, she knew that Itachi was a man far more intelligent than she would ever be. He knew what was best for himself; it was impossible to change him the way she wished.

She would no longer insist on changing him. And even if in the end, it was impossible to prevent his death, she would sit silently, accompanying him from afar.

As she lay still in the middle of the dark with determination overflowing her, something by the window rattled. She almost jumped up, her eyes snapping over to the window.

Standing there was a silhouette of someone - or something - which looked more like a beast lurking the night than a human.

She froze still in utter shock. The silhouette advanced closer to her, the moonlight shining onto his face, his pale skin glittering silver. His eyes, which were a slit like that of a snake, stared straight into her soul.

Kuina trembled frantically, Chakra coursed through her brain and she came to recognise who he was. "Orochimaru," her voice tumbled out with fear.

A crooked smile crept over Orochimaru's lips. "Hello, Fragrance," he hissed through her teeth.

Kuina's breathing grew ragged as she shot up from her bed and vaulted for the door. But before she could leave the room, something warm and slippery was wrapped around her torso, pulling her towards the window. She looked down, her eyes widened as she realised the object restraining her was Orochimaru's very own tongue. A scream threatened to escape her lips, but before it could, she was thrown into a cramped coffin.

Orochimaru placed the lid closed, darkness veiling over her body. Tears filled her eyes as she banged at the lid, trying to push it open. Her cry and scream echoed within the coffin, drowning away.

She felt the coffin begin to move, and she cuddled her knees, shaking in rapid fear. She knew that out of all the people she wouldn't want to meet as the Fragrance was Orochimaru. From what she saw, he was an immoral Sannin known for his twisted experiments.

As she curled herself in terror, she heard another voice seeped in from outside. "You've successfully captured her, Orochimaru-sama, I congratulate you."

"Of course, Kabuto. If I decide to capture the Fragrance myself, you can only expect success," he said in his hissy voice. "After all, the Akatsuki is her current keeper. They are all too powerful for me to entrust the likes of my subordinates to take care of this job. I had to do it myself, you see. I've learnt plenty of useful Invasion Jutsu before, and I also know this hideout very well, very very well. Capturing her was an easy feat."

"I expect as much from you, my lord," Kabuto complimented. "Well, let us get going. We have to get everything done before the Akatsuki learns of her disappearance. I've already prepared all the essential medical tools and diagrams to extract the Fragrance."

"Very well," Orochimaru chuckled with malice rich in his voice.

With that, the coffin began to move once again at such a fast pace, her head began to spin. They must have travelled through rough terrains as by the time they slowed down their pace into a walk, her skin was all bruised up from hitting against the walls repeatedly.

She breathed quietly as she peeped through the small gap between the woods of the coffin, looking out into the utter darkness. And within the void, it was impossible for her to make out where she was.

Her heart pounded hard, her tears stained her cheeks. And since she had been crying hard the whole way, she could no longer cry anymore. She just needed to get out of here, or at least, store time so that someone in the Akatsuki would realise that she was missing.

She trusted that they would save her. She had spent a while with them, and they did value her as the Fragrance a lot.

And at that moment, within the coffin, in the utterly cold lair, captured by the people who had evils planned in their minds, the Akatsuki hideout felt like a haven.

They soon came to a stop, and the lid of the coffin was pulled open. Light seeped in as she hugged herself, trembling in fear. After adjusting her eyes, she dared herself to glance around, taking in the spacious underground dungeon that looked not much different from a torture chamber. The whole place was utterly cold and dark, and the only source of light was the lit flames on the torch stands.

Kabuto walked over to the coffin, his hostile shadow cast down upon her as he analysed her.

She hugged onto her knees, her lips quivering, and tears pooled up in her eyes as she peered up at Kabuto. "W-Where am I—" her voice trembled out, but it was cut off when Kabuto roughly grabbed onto her and pulled her out of the coffin.

Then he tossed her onto the floor right by his feet, her bare skin that was exposed from her skimpy night dress scraped against the cold concrete floor. She whimpered as she tried to stand up, but before she could, Kabuto waved his hand, and two muscular rogue ninja came out from within the shadow.

She struggled intensely as one of them grabbed onto her wrists and the other picked up a handcuff that was attached to large and heavy chains. He cuffed them onto both of her wrists and pulled against the chain until she was lifted up into the air.

She whimpered as pain seared through her arms, her toes barely touching the ground. She tugged her wrists against the heavy chains, the rusty metal of the handcuff gnawing against her skin.

Kabuto, who was fiddling with medical tools, turned to look at her with annoyance in his eyes. "Don't waste your energy, Fragrance," he remarked, his voice echoing within the enclosed room. He adjusted his glasses, and a smirk lifted the corners of his lips. "You will never escape from here, and don't you have your hopes placed in the Akatsuki. You would be dead before they even realise you're missing."



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