六十一 | You're so wet for me, little Fragrance

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After that conversation by the park, they didn't ponder more on the subject as they both continued their travel to Itachi's home

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After that conversation by the park, they didn't ponder more on the subject as they both continued their travel to Itachi's home. It was nightfall before they reached their destination, and at that point they were both tired. And although they seemed to have gotten a lot closer since Itachi last took Kuina there, they still took separate rooms upon their return.

Kuina was very relieved to be back at Itachi's house as she felt much comfort in the place. She was also glad to finally get to take a nice long and warm shower and clean herself up after having almost died.

After having freshened up, to her luck this time, she had a spear nightdress and undergarments to wear as mortifyingly, Itachi had bought them for her the last time she stayed there. Her face flushed red as she quickly brushed off the thought, not wanting to think about it anymore.

She headed for the kitchen as she decided to cook some food for herself and for Itachi, who had gone into his room ever since they've returned. She fumbled through the fridge as she took out some frozen meals before shoving them into the oven and started cooking.

A sigh parted her lips as she stood still, waiting for the meal to cook. But before she could relax, she heard the door to Itachi's room slide open, jolting her alert. She pulled her gaze over to him, scanning her eyes over his perfect physique.

Itachi had always been someone who took really good care of himself but right then, he looked completely freshen up. He wore a long-sleeve black shirt with an overly large collar and which clung a little too well to the well-defined pecs of muscles. His hair was still slightly damp as he wore it down, and he looked so painfully good in normal attire, so much so that she wished he never wore his terrorist cloak again.

He ran his fingers through his damp hair, combing it back. His brows raised slightly at her stare before he headed into the kitchen and leaned back against the kitchen counter.

He glanced over at her, and as soon as his eyes settled on her, they seemed to darkened visibly as they fell down to her thin nightdress, taking in her figure as if he were unclothing her with his eyes.

She instantly grew panicked as she placed her arms over her chest to cover herself, knowing she wasn't wearing a bra as she was going to go to sleep soon. Her face reddened, not knowing what dangerous thoughts were possibly running through that unreadable mind of his.

He took a deep breath as if to control himself, and he pulled his gaze away. There was no expression displayed on his face and he looked completely calm. "What are you doing out here? I was about to go find you."

She straightened up her posture as she tried to act calm, and she skittishly pointed at the oven. "I-I just wanted to cook us something to eat. We didn't have much for dinner today."

His brows raised slightly as he glanced at the oven and nodded. "So much effort," he told her.

She caught the sarcasm in his voice, and she crossed her arms. "Well, I don't really know how to cook. . ."

FRAGRANCE | u. itachiWhere stories live. Discover now