十七 | You will regret it, you really will

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cascade of the storm

Itachi watched as the Fragrance pushed herself to stand

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Itachi watched as the Fragrance pushed herself to stand. Creases of pain plastered over her soft expression, her weight crushing down on her feet, but she stood up straight.

She shuffled uncomfortably, keeping her gaze downwards. The sound of the rain overhead engulfed the silence as he waited for an answer from her.

At long last, she brought her hand to her neck, rubbing it timidly. "I couldn't sleep because of the storm, so I just wanted to drink some warm milk with honey," she mumbled quietly, her words sounded pure and innocent like that of a child.

Itachi raised his brows slightly. "That's it?"

She nodded. "Yeah?"

"How childish," he murmured. "And you are only two years younger than me. . ."

At his words, a pink tint flushed over her face as she scowled at him. "It's because you always act way older than your own age," she grumbled.

He opened his mouth to refute her claims, but then he nodded in acceptance, finding no retort. He let out a sigh and turned away from her. "Well then, you better go back to sleep. I bandaged up your wounds roughly, you should wash them and apply antiseptic before they get infected."

The Fragrance lowered her gaze, shuffling uncomfortably on her feet as she nodded.

"Good. Then go to sleep. It's late," he muttered, finding that their interaction had prolonged for too long.

With his illness poking at him, he didn't want her to linger around to see him having relapses. She was too emotional, and if she saw him sick, then she would cry again. And seeing her cry deeply irritated him.

He never bore much grudges against anyone, but right then, he was discontent with Pein's decision to put him in charge of the Fragrance. She made him feel like he was babysitting Sasuke all over again.

The Fragrance furrowed her brows, and she looked as if she was in a dilemma. At first, it seemed as though she wanted to be obedient and leave as he instructed, but then her eyes glanced over at the pieces of glass he had broken prior in the spur moment of his illness relapse. Her brows furrowed before she averted it to the assortment of pills scattering over the kitchen counter as if she was piecing everything together. 

A sharp breath left her lips, and Itachi's gaze darkened instantly. He was about to open his mouth to tell her he was fine, but she cut him in.

"What about you? Why are you up at this hour?" she questioned, her voice almost inaudible.

At her question, he clenched his jaw. "I do not believe I am obligated to report to you my actions."

She bit onto her quivering lip. "Your illness is relapsing again, is that why?"

FRAGRANCE | u. itachiWhere stories live. Discover now