三十 | But life is not eternal, Sasori

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eternal beauty

Kuina regretted agreeing to Pein

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Kuina regretted agreeing to Pein.

It was not that she had a choice, but once she looked into the future of the person - Uchiha Obito to be specific - she knew that by working for him, she would become an accomplice for the war he wanted to wage.

She had always been against war and chaos, just as her clansmen were. And just as Itachi was - and perhaps, that was why she had so much admiration for him.

If she let Obito know his future, would he be able to then fix all the flaws in his plans? Then, wouldn't she be helping him in waging a war?

She thought then that maybe she should lie. How would Obito know she lied? But then again, she was scared of the consequences.

Kuina was conflicted and she didn't know what to do, so in the end, she decided to put the matter to rest for the time being.

After Pein had left the hideout, Kisame kept on pestering her, asking if she were alright. He told her he blamed himself that she was captured by Orochimaru, and he suddenly thought that perhaps, the security of the hideout wasn't as good as it was said to be.

Hidan, too, was strangely trying to get intimate with her after the incident. He even offered to put ointment on her wounds, in which she politely declined. When she asked him why he was trying to be nice to her, he only replied with, "Itachi had already admitted that he didn't mind me or any other members taking care of you. So, I'm taking my chances."

She didn't know what to make of the statement, but she didn't really mind. She felt safe once again, and that was what mattered.

However, one night, when she went out to the kitchen to grab herself her dinner, she spotted Sasori and Deidara on the couch. Sasori was fixing his puppets, and Deidara was sharpening his Kunai. At the sight, a sudden flash of vision filled her mind and her eyes widened in horror.

It was the scene she saw in Sasori's future: the day before his death.

Kuina's brows furrowed as her heart pounded. She didn't expect it to be so soon.

In the moment of fear and panic, she decisively decided to approach them. "Hey, Deidara," she called. "Hi, Sasori."

They looked her way. While Sasori had his brows raised, Deidara's mouth lifted up into a bright beam. "Hey, wassup, Kuina. Wanna come sit beside me?"

She nodded, her mouth feeling dry as she took a seat.

Deidara smiled as he leaned back against the couch. "So what's up? You normally hide yourself in your room, I can't believe you would approach me."

She gulped as she tried to form the right words. "I just want to talk to you guys for a bit."

Sasori raised his brows, curiosity deep in his grey eyes as he penetrated them at her. "You don't usually talk to us which could only mean you have something very important to say, am I right? So, don't beat around the bush and just spill it."

Kuina shuffled and smiled weakly. "I'm just wondering, did Leader-sama assign you guys any mission when he came to the hideout?"

Deidara's eyes sparked up. "Of course! We are the best duo in this shitty organisation, of course the Leader would assign us a mission." His voice rose rich with excitement. "We are going to capture a Jinjuriki. Do you know what a Jinjuriki is?" Before Kuina could answer he continued, "They are big boys - tough monsters to most people - but to me, they are just wimps! I'll just bomb them, and bam, they are roasted chicken!"

Kuina tried to force out a smile, seeing how enthusiastic Deidara was. But in the end, she couldn't keep it up, and her smile fell. "Which Jinjuriki are you capturing?"

"The first one. Gaara, the Kazekage of the Sand, the one-tail Jinjuriki," Deidara replied with a melodramatic voice. "Exciting, isn't it? We'll be taking down the Kazekage!"

Kuina clenched her fists against the sofa, her eyes grew evidently sad as she looked down at her lap.

Unlike Deidara, Sasori, who had been observing her, seemed to notice the overwhelming fear in her eyes. He glanced at her through his red hair that plastered over his eyes. "What is it, Fragrance? What's with that expression of yours? Seeing something in the future?"

Kuina's gaze snapped up to Sasori. Anxiousness filled her as she nodded. "Do you really have to go? The mission?"

Sasori shrugged. "Of course. It's Leader-sama's command, who am I to disobey it?"

She shook her head. "Can you not go?"

"Why do you think I shouldn't? What did you see?"

Kuina fidgeted with her thumbs, avoiding his gaze. "I didn't see anything, Sasori. I just don't think you should go. The Kazekage is strong, and not only that, he has a lot of alliances. He's good friends with the people from the Leaf Village too, you know, it's a risk."

Sasori's gaze narrowed. "Don't underestimate me. My life is wooden. Every inch of me is eternal; that's my art. I'm not like the reckless Deidara who view life as fleeting. I will live forever."

Deidara immediately flared up. "What are you saying, Sasori? How many times must we argue on this? True beauty is the fleeting moment of an explosion!"

Sasori snorted. "Foolish. True beauty lies in things that last forever, never rotting and never fading."

Kuina looked up at Sasori, creases of stress forming in between her brows. "But life is not eternal, Sasori. There will eventually be time when it ends. I truly don't think you should go on the mission. . ."

Sasori looked at her before a cocky smirk lifted the corners of his lips. "It's fine. I know life is not eternal, that's because life holds no beauty. It's cruel, it's grotty. I wouldn't shed a tear losing my life. Why then should I see the need to fear missions that are life-threatening?"

Kuina let out a defeated sigh. "Alright then. If you insist on going, no matter what is to happen on your mission, I hope you will be careful." She gave in, knowing she probably couldn't change Sasori's mind; she wasn't particularly close with him to begin with. But at least, she hoped that her warning might make him take more caution then. "When are you leaving for the mission?" She questioned.

Deidara shot up and clasped his hands together. "Tomorrow!"

Kuina almost jumped at Deidara's loud voice. She dug her nails into the leather sofa and lowered her gaze. "Then . . . Be careful."

Sasori clicked his tongue, shaking his head. "You don't need to tell us that. We'll come back without a scratch."

Kuina smiled, hoping that he meant it. "Promise?"

Sasori looked at her for a length of time, and his face darkened slightly. But before Kuina could process the meaning of his grim expression, he broke out into a smirk. "No need."



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