九 | Am I disturbing you two's sleep?

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incense of care

Itachi found it rather baffling that the Fragrance did not want him to die

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Itachi found it rather baffling that the Fragrance did not want him to die. Everyone in the Shinobi world wanted him to die, and for her to tell him she didn't want him to was quite a change.

Her words sounded so pure and sincere, so much so that if he were not hardened, he might have been wavered by her words. But since he was rather desensitised to profound emotions, he found her words rather worrying. This Fragrance was simply too sheltered, too easily swayed by emotions, and far too sentimental for her own good.

It was strange and unfamiliar for him to be cared for. Ever since the massacre, he had accepted that no one would cry for his death. But now, this girl whom he barely knew - not even her name - just appeared and told him that she didn't want him to die. Not that he didn't appreciate it, but it was hard to digest.

He glanced down at her as she snuggled against his chest, searching for warmth. The line of pain and sadness was rich on her face and her tears were raw on her cheeks.

He grimaced, hating intimacy with someone he barely knew. He took a deep breath as he brought his hand to her shoulders to push her off him. But as soon as he touched her, she let out a groan, her brows formed an evident crease as she desperately shook his hands off her.

He furrowed his brows as he retreated his hands back, letting his arms drop to the side. A weary sigh left his lips as he leaned back against the wall, too drained to be bothered about her anymore. He sat still, and let her sleep, considering it a charity - though this closeness was a charity he had never given anyone for almost a decade.

He closed his eyes, no longer wanting to ponder over his actions. He hadn't slept for many nights straight, and with his bleeding wound as hindrance, he was far too tired to reason with himself.

He would think things through once dawn came.


Itachi must have rested his eyes for only around a few hours. Before long, the thin light of dawn seeped eerily into the cave. His eyes fluttered open, feeling as sapping as before, but at least, his muddled mind was clear. His chakra and stamina was also recharged.

Before he could move an inch, he heard footsteps approaching him. He glanced up and his eyes came in contact with Kisame's.

An unpleasant smirk plastered over his lips as he eyed Itachi up and down. "Ah, I see. Am I disturbing you two's sleep?" Kisame snickered as he stood over him with crossed arms. "What's that little thing in your arms, Itachi?"

Itachi blinked, confused, before his gaze fell upon the Fragrance, sleeping peacefully in his arms. His face darkened instantly and his jaw clenched. "She fainted."

"In your arms?" Kisame raised his brows, seemingly amused. "Well, to me, it seems like she's simply trying to seduce you. Even though she's the Fragrance, she's still a girl, and you know how every girl we've ever met on our missions were like towards you." He shuddered before he broke out into a smile. "But you would normally push them away, not like this."

Itachi cast Kisame a side glance. "She has no such intention."

Kisame snorted at Itachi's retort. "If you say so," he muttered rather sarcastically. "In any case, why are you in such a battered state. The enemies have even managed to wound you, is that so? How strange: I wonder how long it has been since you last felt pain."

Itachi closed his eyes and a sigh parted his lips. Carefully, he held the Fragrance up before laying her down onto the floor beside him. He combed his hair back with his palm and stood up to face Kisame. "I do not know what you are getting at, Kisame. You do know well there has not been a single day I do not feel pain," Itachi remarked before he grabbed his dried Akatsuki cloak and slipped it on.

Kisame watched him intensely before letting out a chuckle. "Yeah, but it's still fishy why I walked into such a strange scene."

"I was tired and so was she. In the moment of survival, there is no time for immaturity and comical, indecent mindsets."

At Itachi's words, he digressed, knowing joking around with Itachi was equivalent to making a fool out of himself. "Alright, alright, why so serious? I won't tease you anymore."

"That is well," Itachi muttered before he glanced at the Fragrance. "She is awake."

The Fragrance clutched onto her head as she forcibly pushed herself to sit up. She blinked, looking completely bemused and disoriented before her gaze landed on him. "Itachi?" she muttered before seemed to be snapped completely wide awake as panic filled her. "Your wound. . ."

"I am fine," he murmured and turned away from her. "Get yourself together. We are taking you to the doctor," he said in a low voice, feeling Kisame's amused eyes watching him. "Kisame, please assist her."

Kisame nodded, still eyeing him with amusement. "Sure, sure. But which doctor are we taking her to?"

"Her wounds were not caused by Ninjutsu. A traditional doctor would do. The Leaf Village is the closest, and since we have slayed all of the enemies, it should be safe," he stated blandly before he strode off towards their destination.



FRAGRANCE | u. itachiWhere stories live. Discover now