三十三 | I can do anything to you in my dream

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bizarre dream

Once Kuina finished off the whole jug of drink, her mind seemed to wander into a different space of time

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Once Kuina finished off the whole jug of drink, her mind seemed to wander into a different space of time. She could no longer think straight nor walk straight. And above all that, she just felt so hot. Her whole body felt lit in flames.

Deidara assisted her back to her room, and they stood in front of two identical looking doors next to each other. Too drunk to think straight, she narrowed her eyes at the doors. "This one. . ." Kuina muttered, her words slurred and her eyes dilated as she pointed at the door to the left. "Or this" - she pointed to the right - "is my room?"

Deidara scrunched his brows as he pointed left and right. "Hmm. . ." He made a sound in his throat as he flicked his finger between the two doors before he settled with the one on the right. "This one is Kuina's room." He flashed her a smile as he pulled the door open and shoved her inside. "Goodnight."

"Are you sure. . ." Before Kuina could even finish her sentence, the door slid shut.

She furrowed her brows as she shook herself to stay focused. If Deidara said it was her room, then it probably was, so she didn't spare further thoughts. Besides, her whole body was burning in flames. The whole time they were drinking together outside, she was already desperate to strip off her thick cloak. Now that she was finally back in her room, she quickly took off her cloak and unclasped her bra, throwing them into a pile on the floor. Comfortably clothed in her thin dress, she dropped onto the comfort of her bed's mattress.

She brought her hand to forehead. It was bleak autumn going into winter, but she felt terribly hot. She regretted drinking. Deidara had told her that it was only light liquor, thus she willingly drank. But for some reason, her head spun and her body burnt so profoundly she was beginning to suspect that Deidara had lied to her - that in truth, it was hard liquor.

Letting out a tired sigh, she glanced around the room before her eyes landed on a picture frame on the bedside table. The room was terribly dark, and she rubbed her eyes as she peered at the picture frame to make sure she wasn't imagining things.

Why is there a picture of young Itachi and his little brother in my room?

Her thoughts rang in her head as she peered at the picture of Itachi in his Anbu uniform. He was hugging his little brother, Uchiha Sasuke, and he was smiling. Kuina furrowed her brows at the sight of his smile. He had never once smiled in the entirety of their time together, and she found it rare and admittedly beautiful.

And for some reason, she found herself smiling too as she lay back against her pillow and closed her eyes. Her mind was clouded by the alcohol, and she didn't think through anything more as she comfortably drifted off to sleep.

And as she lifted off to sleep that night, she had one of the most bizarre dreams in her life.

In her dream, she was laying on this exact bed, and Itachi was standing over her wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. She eyed his physiques, and her breath grew short. Considering how elegant and refined his face looked, she had never expected him to be so masculine beneath. His hair was damp as if he had just come out of the shower. Droplets of water glistened against his skin, running down his defined collarbone, toned torso, and the v-line that was stopped by the towel. Her breathing quickened as her pulse raced.

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