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May 26th 2011 ||  West Hollywood CA

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May 26th 2011 || West Hollywood CA

⭐️ Zahra Nevaeh Anderson⭐️

They talk about the five stages of grief a lot and how you have to deal with ever stage to get better well the stages of dealing with a divorce are exactly the same.

Denial. It can be difficult to finally accept that you are in the middle of a divorce.

You may think that it was your inability to solve your own marital troubles.

This can send you into a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts which prevent you from accepting the truth.

You may even believe that there is something you can do to get back with your partner.

It can't be true I came home that night planning a romantic evening we hadn't had a good evening in so long due to the constant fighting.

He worked late spent less and less time with me that should've been a red flag right there.

But to come home to his suit cases packed by the door and a stack of papers on my dinning room table of our room.

I couldn't believe it he wanted to leave me he wanted to leave.

That bring us to the next stage.

Shock. You may act in a way that is simply not normal. The sheer shock of the divorce will create different emotions inside your head which can make you panic.

This shock becomes more pronounced when you realize how much time you invested in your marriage and family.

We met in high school we met in fucking high school, and have been inseparable ever since yes we had our rough patches and infidelity mostly on his part and he really wants to leave me?

Contrasting Emotions. It will be difficult to keep your emotions under control.

From feeling hope to feeling simply nothing but despair, you will try your best to make sense of all that has happened leading up to this point. You may also find that all you think about is the failure of your marriage.

We can fix this we can make this work if and I did try hint how I said I through counseling.

I thought when he showed up there were rays of hope but still having those papers and him handing me a pen telling me it's over hope did indeed turn to despair.

Bargaining. You are still hopeful that your marriage will work out. You are willing to do anything to change yourself and just make things work.

You may resort to drastic measures just to get your ex to change his or her mind.

What you will need to realize at this point, though, is that you cannot control the feelings of other people. Bargaining only delays the harsh reality of divorce.

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